Judge rebukes GOP for downplaying US Capitol riot as he hands out first sentence in insurrection

At a hearing in DC federal court, Judge Royce Lamberth said the insurrection was a "disgrace" and forcefully rebuked the "utter nonsense" coming from some Republican lawmakers and other right-wing figures who are whitewashing what happened.



Right now that’s all the GOP has to Block anything Biden wants to do and then blame him for not getting it done.
In downplaying anything that happened the last four years including the capital riots.
All they can do right now is that and go to Trump constantly in fall to their knees begging him to praise them in the eyes of their voters and the Trump cult.
This party is falling apart And you can see it’s scaring the Republicans because they’re doing with all people who have power do when it looks like your power is being threatened in about to be taken away they start lashing out as they slowly get backed into a corner.

W T F?
Feds: Evidence shows well-laid plan by some Capitol insurrectionists
An FBI affidavit described preparations by the Proud Boys to storm the Capitol, including using earpieces and walkie-talkies to direct movements through the building.

The FBI is noted for creating crimes and then busting suspects who were entrapped
How The FBI Infiltrates Movements—And What You Can Do To Stop Them. COINTELPRO, short for Counter Intelligence Program, was an FBI program to surveil, infiltrate, and actively subvert organizations that could threaten government policy or power. They have targeted anti-war protesters, Civil Rights groups, and environmentalists by placing agents within theirs ranks to feed back information to the FBI or actively work to entrap its members into committing illegal acts. Often times, FBI actions led directly to beatings and assassinations.


Let’s compare the damages and cost of this and the rioting and looting of business? Neither is good but those were in the millions which we are still paying for in insurance premiums. CNN doesn’t want to talk about that! Every window on Michigan Ave broken and looted! New York City looted. Police cars destroyed! They still won’t report on Portland! Wisconsin looted damages in the millions! Unemployment in the inter cities is high and I wonder why? Just look at Ferguson Missouri, the business never came backYou notice CNN isn’t covering the burning of Atlanta Wendy’s ? Let see how much they filed for damages of their building in Atlanta that was looted. Since it was peaceful they shouldn’t have claimed any damages. Let’s see if they lied!

As the homicide rate hits a record high in Washington D.C. the city elects a convicted murderer to public office in a unique election featuring all inmate candidates. The freshly elected public official, Joel Caston, has been in prison 26 years and is currently incarcerated at the District of Columbia Jail. In 1996 Caston was convicted by a jury of first-degree murder for ambushing and killing a man in the city’s Anacostia neighborhood. Court records obtained by Judicial Watch indicate that a 2016 appeal was denied. In the document, Caston’s attorneys name the victim, which is not common practice today. Court records also reveal a “speed loader”—a device used to rapidly load ammunition into a firearm—was found by police under Caston’s mattress after the shooting. It contained six rounds of .44 caliber ammunition as well as additional rounds of ammo.
READ: http://jwatch.us/HVEnvz

#corruptionchronicle #dc #prison #jail

First the political Right was claiming that it wasn't them, it was Antifa who sacked the Capitol. When that went over like a lead balloon, they came up with this nonsense about how they didn't break in, Capitol police were actually welcoming them into the Capitol complex, which would be just as laughable as the Antifa claim, if the situation wasn't so serious. One Capitol policeman dead and one hundred and forty sent to the hospital, a bicameral session of Congress disrupted, and the certification of the Electoral College votes delayed for several hours, and there's no denying it, even though they are trying so desperately to do just that, which just shows what kind of whack jobs these Right Wingnuts are!!! ..... #fukm ....

A flagpole is just a flagpole, until someone negates a large portion of your disease-riddled and brainwashed gray matter, by inserting said flagpole into your cranium, then it transmutes into a weapon!
The Capitol assault resulted in one of the worst days of injuries for law enforcement in the United States since 9/11.
A review of the federal charges against the insurrectionists shows that they did come armed, and with a variety of weapons: stun guns, tazers, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs. An additional suspect also planted pipe bombs by the headquarters of the Democratic and Republican parties the night before the insurrection.


That is crap Anna should have gotten more!!!
The least should be 5 years!!!
I do not agree with this sentence!!!!!
She should have read the constitution and had a lesson in patriotism!!!!
A traitor/terrorist and a slap on the hand!!!!!!!CRAP

Should get 20 years!!
***The least should be 5 years****
WOW why no punishment for traitors/terrorist!!
Way To lenient on this anti-American!!!
Get tougher!!

If you know family, friend, foe report them to FBI.

If you know who someone is from capitol invasion RIOT,,
the FBI is looking for them ALL.

The FBI is seeking to identify individuals instigating violence in Washington, D.C. We are accepting tips and digital media depicting rioting or violence in and around the U.S. Capitol on January 6. If you have information, visit fbi.gov/USCapitol.

Just a shot in the dark here but let me guess the domestic terrorist this judge sentenced to probation was White right? You think he would have gotten the same sentence if he were Black? I honestly wish I had a time machine and could go back in time to see what the reaction would have been from Republicans if it were BLM that attacked The Capitol instead. It would have been a 10 year investigation and of course Democrats would have caved per usual! Democrats and this is coming from one reminds me of a dog who chases a car. Once the dog catches the car it doesn’t know what to do with it. Just like Democrats who when they finally get the power they been craving for four years they too don’t what to do with it once they have it!

First of all, the vast majority of Trump supporters decry any and every bit of violence and lawlessness that occurred on January 6, as well as at any point in time, regardless of the political affiliation of the attackers. So to be crystal clear, any and every act of violence and or lawlessness that was committed that day at the capital is NOT representative of the vast majority of Trump supporters.

Secondly, where is the judge’s condemnation and universal outrage over CNN and the rest of the mainstream media reporting that Officer Brian Sicknic was killed by a mob of Trump supporters bashing his head in with a fire hydrant? We all know that that is a 100% lie, that there’s not even a shred of truth to it, but yet that’s what the media nonstop bleated out and spewed out over and over and over again until the facts proved them to be liars. What a disgraceful way to “honor” the memory of an officer! I don’t understand how everyone isn’t outraged and talking about this nonstop? Oh because it comes from the left, that’s right the hypocritical left, who are just as nasty as anybody else but ignores their nastiness and always tries to point out the nastiness of their enemies.


Published April 22, 2021
BLM protesters storm Oklahoma Capitol over GOP bills protecting drivers fleeing riots, police from 'doxxing'
More than 2 dozen protesters filled gallery while Oklahoma House was in session

Danielle Wallace By Danielle Wallace | Fox News

Demonstrators chanting "Black Lives Matter" stormed the Oklahoma Capitol on Wednesday, forcing the state House of Representatives into lockdown, in order to protest several Republican-backed bills, including one that provides legal protections to motorists fleeing riots.

More than two dozen protesters filled the gallery on the fifth floor while the Oklahoma House in the chamber below was in session. Video showed demonstrators chanting, "Stand united against all hate," and "We will use our voices to stand against corruption, to fight hate, to defend Black and Brown lives." The disturbance interrupted the session for several minutes.