Detained immigrants on hunger strike over poor conditions at ICE facilities were force-fed, report says

Immigration and Customs Enforcement used involuntary and invasive medical procedures, such as force-feeding and forced hydration, in response to hunger strikes by detained immigrants, according to a newly released report from the American Civil Liberties Union and Physicians for Human Rights.


Obama was called “Deporter-in-Chief” by critics and Joe Biden was the vice, the difference is that they were after the essence of the law, not because they were afraid of the Census. They didn’t need an useless white supremacist nationalist like stephen miller telling them what to do.

To secure our border you don’t need to stir emotions like trump did during his deranged rallies. To uphold the law you don't need to dehumanize the afflicted. You don’t need to dehumanize the children. There is no need to wake up Hitler. Hitler is dead, let’s keep it that way.

In the meantime, let the law takes its course.
