Kamala Harris to make first trip to the border as vice president this week

Vice President Kamala Harris will visit the US-Mexico border Friday. The trip follows GOP criticism of her not traveling there to address migration



If your roof is leaking and water is pouring in, you could put down a bunch of buckets and towels every day and hope the problem stops on its own, or you can examine the roof and try to find a solution to fixing the problem at its source.

That’s what Vice President Harris has done for the last few months, focused on the root of the problem, Central America, where the migrants begin their long arduous and dangerous journey towards the United States.

Improving conditions there - not an easy task - is the only practical solution to an issue that has been hard to solve for decades.

You reckon she really will go? She might see too much that she does not like in all those situations she and her Bossman have created there. It is a great set-up there at the Border for certain ones; such as the Child Traffickers, The Drug Cartels, Those in high places who are benefitting monetarily, and those coming here for a free ride that the American tax payers must provide for them while struggling Vtalong themselves. It is as I said, Vta honey of a deal for some, but not people in this Country who are themselves in need. It would be great if those in Control would take care of their own Countrymen first instead of running helter/skelter around the World trying to find others to help. Get your own house in order, and then, you will be in a better position to offer help to others, right?

When you have to go to the border El Paso would be the best to see. (Not as many to see there). To bad she didn't go down to south texas and watch illegals walking across the Rio Grande. Needs to be at Del Rio, Tx or La Joya, Tx. , Mc Allen, Tx. Border Patrol is overwhelmed. Always best to go where you will look the best. Right Kamala? Democrat Congressman Henry Cueller has begged her to go down there. When you won't listen to your own Democrats What else can you do? 0 on Biden and Kamala for the year.

I hope when she visits she actually talks with the people trying to secure our boarders every day and the local residents & officials. Don't go just for a photoshoot and to check a box. Listen to those who are there every day. Listen to honest suggestions... not the "yes ma'am" folks who only tell you what you want to hear.

CNN - cover the story. Be critical and ask tough questions... you know, like you did with the previous administration. Then cover the Trump visit... compare and contrast both sides... you know, like you were trained to do in college.

There was no way Harris was going to allow President Trump to visit before she did. It's a spur-of-the-moment trip just to beat him there. It's amazing how much influence he is still having on the dems. He's in their heads, and that's permanent! I knew either Kamala or Biden was going to go as soon as Trump announced his upcoming visit. It is so obvious why she’s going now. Makes me vomit She's going to El Paso. She's not going to the areas where it's far worse. She's trying to avoid going to areas where she will be forced to admit Trump is right.

"Say it loud, say it clear everyone is welcome here" Kamela Harris !! Biden created border crisis !Trump built 450 miles of new wall, Biden stopped construction ! Trump had the lowest numbers and a secure border deal with Mexico (Remain in Mexico & Title 42) than Biden cancels the deals. Biden reverses all of Trump's polices and now this ! Welcome to Biden/Harris America, where open borders get you killed. This is just the tip of what's to come. Over 100 caught with COVID as they were released into the US by Biden/Harris policy, caught going onto a packed bus. Oh yea DHS says this is not a crisis as projected children coming into the US will break all records ! Thank Joe for keeping America safe and putting American's health 1st. https://youtu.be/r5M1Kjv_8uc

The migrants are now coming primarily from Central America. She toured those countries, to begin a new attempt to stop the flow at its source, which is how a smart person does things, rather than putting up a wall, which is the simplistic approach typical of republicans.
The pandemic was in full swing, the border was dealing with an immediate emergency, so why go and distract from the work being done.
Trumpists will simply criticize and scorn anything undertaken by a Democrat. It’s really all they got, their unifying principle. Doesn’t require knowledge, or intelligence, basically the intellectual equivalent of a two year old screaming no.

Why do so many people whinge about this, when she’s making speeches like this. People want her to keep security tight, people want illegal immigration and even migrant asylum seekers to stop… and she’s very clear about what she says here.

It’s like people won’t even recognize that she’s saying the exact things that they’d want her to say.

“bUt SHe diDn’T ActUaLLy gO TO tHe BoRDer! SHe hAS tO Go To THe ActUaL BOrDeR!!”

Do y’all think that it has made any difference, the other politicians that have gone to the border to do their photo ops? What did they accomplish after visiting that area, which they wouldn’t have attempted or accomplished if they hadn’t?


Photo Op, I'm sure...and just wondering: Is she going to bring her 'selfie' cookies to hand out to the border patrol and all the illegals coming into the US? (waiting for all the idiotic, immature Trump comments <smh>....this person was put in charge of the border CRISIS and avoided visiting there until NOW-only after Texas Gov. declared continuing building the wall, Florida governor and other governors agreed to send law enforcement to the border....hmmm) Democrats...stop with the deflection, hypocrisy, lies and lame excuses....this country is falling and falling fast.....all thanx to your 'fearless' leader and the inept administration. TRY your best to tell me what this self-serving, hate filled, hypocritical administration has done to better this country in the short 5 months in office without mentioning Trump...

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