Britney Spears has been pushing her attorney to petition to end her conservatorship in days since hearing

"Britney has spoken to Sam multiple times since last week and she has asked him point-blank, once again, to file the paperwork to end this," a source told CNN.


All the people “in charge” of her is getting a paycheck. She has to pay people that she doesn’t want them to work for her with her own money. And in 2021 we have a MAN who mandates a woman who is nothing less than his own daughter to have an IUD… denying her the basic right of even make a OBGYN appointment without his consent. DISGUSTING. There are mentally ill people everywhere who aren’t even being treated for it and yet nobody has taken their ability to make decisions… BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT RICH so nobody can profit out of them. Send that man and his staff to jail for abuse and human rights violation.

I think people tend to forget that Britney was deeply in debt and had a mental health crisis resulting in multiple hospitalization when the conservatorship was put in place. People probably have forgotten about Sam Lufti who was her “manager” and stealing from her as well as abusing her. The media only tells one side of the story. Her father helped turn her career around and she is worth $60 million now. We are only privy to part of the story and don’t know what information the courts are receiving from her medical team. The amount her father receives was set by the court.

I think she needs a new lawyer. I also feel they need to not do away totally with the courtship just yet. There needs to be adjustments to make her feel like she does have the majority of say. Then she how she does. Also, from what I understand is the family doesn’t trust the boyfriend. To be honest I don’t either. I mean she is paying Kevin F. all that money a month for two teenage kids. Apparently she only has 30% custody. This is sad…

A person with bi-polar goes through different manic and depressive episodes. They typically don’t manage money well, I have seen it first hand. Hopefully she is still taking meds and receiving counseling as this is something she will struggle with managing for the rest of her life. Good luck B., hopefully there’s balance soon.

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There is something totally, seriously, WRONG about this. If she is compelled to have (read: support) a court-appointed attorney, she should be able to just let that guy sit on his thumb and hire another attorney. Surely the court wouldn't be able to deny another lawyer the right to be part of her life. If she were to refuse to perform and let that golddigger take the hit for cancelled concerts, I wonder how long it would take to get him and his cronies off her back. She should make friends with a lawyer or two, or a whole team of them. Then her new lawyers could sue her old lawyer, on behalf of their friend. what a shitshow.
