Special Affordable Care Act subsidies available for unemployed Americans starting July 1

Unemployed Americans will be able to sign up for hefty subsidies for 2021 coverage on the federal Affordable Care Act exchange starting July 1, the Biden administration announced Tuesday



Joe Biden: “China?.... They’re not bad folks, folks..." — 5/2/19
• 2/3/21: China's Uighur CAMP Detainees Allege Systematic RAPE - BBC News https://youtu.be/e6bPGl10Cts
Comcast – NBC IS COMMUNIST China – No Wonder China is Able to Control the US Media and Spews Fake News on China
• Did you ever wonder why NBC, owned by Comcast, never reports any negative news about China and always negative news about Trump? There are 3 billion reasons. This is Disgusting……….! It’s all about the $ and Politics. Thank Tucker Carlson for this news.
• 10/26/17: Comcast Bullish On China, Theme Park Opening In Beijing, “Comcast on its third-quarter earnings call Thursday said it expects more than a billion dollars in revenue in China after a theme park opens in Beijing around 2020.
"China is a big opportunity. We made virtually no money in China five years ago," said Steve Burke, chief executive of Comcast's NBCUniversal entertainment business. "This year we'll make a couple of hundred million dollars in (revenue), primarily in film, video-on-demand and consumer products. When that Beijing park opens it's not unrealistic to assume we'll make well over a billion dollars in (revenue)."” Report ———> https://www.investors.com...-revenue-light/
