My community is sizzling to a crisp | Opinion

Kari Nixon, a Texas native living in Spokane, Washington, says the heat so intense that it feels like poison (via CNN Opinion)


I am surprised your article had a link that over 40% of houses in this area have air conditioning. Unless we are including the little portable ones, that is a lot more than I would have expected. I understand that people think we are weak or unknowledgable in the NW, but this has not happened here before this weekend. I don't care what you want to call it, but for many elderly, sick, homeless and animals, this is unusual and new. We were in Vegas last week and while the temperature was higher, the humidity was lower and there was ac everywhere. So, go ahead and argue or scoff. Why does everyone in this country have to be so divisive and hateful? Why can't we just show each other some compassion?
