McCarthy threatens to strip GOP members of committee assignments if they accept an offer from Pelosi to serve on 1/6 commission

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy issued the blanket threat during a meeting with freshmen members of his caucus


If it was BLM storming the capitol republicans would have called it the MOST IMPORTANT INVESTIGATION IN HISTORY ... people should be reminded of the beghazi hearings and all those investigations for an overseas matter...if their were a few armed hostile foreign agents / nationals in the crowd (say from iran,Russia, SA etc)they could have killed everyone in the presidential line of succession leaving the country in a constitutional crisis ( that trump NEEDED AND Wanted to stay in office ) he didnt care who was hurt or killed as long as it served him ....and that is the main point

Have you ever heard somebody tell you, “don’t take it personal, it’s just business!” It seems to happen whenever does something that they know is going to upset someone else. It’s a popular way to justify treating others badly for our own personal gain. It helps to avoid the emotional aftermath of a highly charged exchange.

It’s hard to say if it occurred before The Godfather came out or not. Yet for a long time, there was an emphasis on separating your personal life from your business life. After all, business is business. When you are at work there is simply work. Personalities, lives, emotions, the things that make us human all have no place in the world of business. Right?

I cannot stand McCarthy. A better name for him would definitely be Pinocchio.
He cannot move or talk on his own. His master, the one pulling his strings, is a very bad person, buying McCartney to spout lies. But McPinoccio's nose grows when he lies. That is not what they bought him to do. Soon, McPinoccio will be put away in his case, in the dark, unable to see the light of day for a very long time. Or his owner might just through him into the fireplace to make sure his big mouth won't name names. A big mistake McPinocchio you have made. You will never be a real man.

Without accountability, January 6th was just a test run. They're out there having their rallies saying the same things.

There is no remorse or shame in what happened on January 6th. They didn't learn anything. They want to pretend it didn't happen.

If they don't get their way next time, they're going to pull it again. The Republic almost fell through the persistent lies of one man. We were saved by a handful of honest County officials and the judicial system.

I will die before this country becomes a fascist state. Do you love your country? Are you willing to make the same commitment? Will you come to her Aid and her moment of need?

This is not rhetorical, this is exactly where we are at.

So i ask everyone with common sense "WHY? WHAT ARE THEY SCARED OF???" Must be because Trump and members will be found out, innocent people would want truth known. And justice served! And why do republican leaders need to threaten members? Sounds like they want the lies, instead of the truth! Especially if it's what the arrested insurrectionist are saying! Can't that party handle the truth? Would like to think we have adults, not children in governing positions, guess not! Sounds like a bunch of bullies, who are afraid of losing their control! Hope this committee, gets the truth, and they can't squirm out of it, and they are exposed for who they really are!! Why do some people jeopardize their own family, to keep some peoples lies going???

We have these rogue power hungry politicians in office now so nothing some of them say or do surprises me! What they don’t want to come out is the names of all of these state attorney generals, police chiefs, sheriffs, judges, high ranking military people, and other so called prominent citizens who helped to plan and pay for the attack on the Capitol! I know in Alabama, an organization the Attorney General chairs chartered a bus to send these people to the rally/riot/insurrection! There’s so many others and the pressure is real on these Republicans to stop anything going forth to out these identities! But everyone who played a role and everything that happened will eventually come out when the lower level jail birds really starts to sing!

Before any uninformed person comment on the advancement of Democracy by the Biden administration I caution you to remember Biden met recently with blm which has professed strong ties to Marxism a threshold away from communism! Also many of Biden’s proclamations and decrees are socialism in action another strong tie to communism ideology! The democrats are moving toward a one party system by systematically destroying the reputations of as many Republicans they can attack! They have weaponized the FBI and the DOJ sending them on fools stands!
A one party system is the true essence of communism!
The taxpayers are bombarded with future tax burdens in the trillions!
If democrats stay in office we will be 30 trillion dollars or more in debt

The republican party is no longer. It is the party of Trump, McCarthy, McConnell and a few more radicals who are on a crazed power hungary trip with no destination in their plan except to obstruct and destroy democracy. It is extremely important to investigate Jan 6. The innocent have nothing to fear, the guilty are apparently shaking and playing dangerous games. They are counting on the voters to turn a blind eye towards their actions or lack of actions, and words. They count on voters being ignorant and easily swayed and manipulated. Don't fall into their trap and if you have, reach up for a hand out. They seem to forget the people put them there and the people can, and will, take them out.

How McCarthy (& his traitor bff's) cannot (in their right mind) realize, accept & want to get to the bottom of & prosecute all of those involved in the insurrection @ the Capitol.
The poor Capitol Police were outnumbered & suffered the most mentally & physically because of this horrific incident.
And yet McCarthy & the rest just want to sweep it all under the rug.
People have had their lives affected because of this incident. They're not the same (mentally and/or physically) as they were before Jan 6th.
McCarthy (& his disgusting gang) WILL go down in history for their heartless, lack of conscience, evil actions & words.

10ºBut of course - this way they can claim it is a partisan investigation, never mind that they were offered to take part. They must know that several republicans were involved in , otherwise they wouldn’t be so hell bent to kill any 1/6 investigation. They investigated Hunter Biden alleged laptop (nothing came out of it) but not interested in investigating mob that was trashing the Capitol, beating up the police in attempt to stop confirming election results? Especially strange when they claim BLM and antics was behind it - surely they would like to prove it unless they already know who was behind it.
