Feds arrest 5 family members from Texas in new US Capitol riot case

Federal investigators pointed to extensive social media posts from many members of the family in order to make the arrests on Tuesday, in one of the largest single-day sweeps of defendants in one Capitol riot case to date.



Yesterday, 51 Democrats in the Texas legislature left their state and flew to Washington on private jets. They did this in order to deny the Texas legislature a quorum and therefore shut down the democratic process. By leaving the state, they violated their sworn duty to represent voters, and committed what amounted to an act of insurrection. Why did they insurrect? So that Texas lawmakers couldn’t pass laws against voter fraud -- laws that the voters of Texas have said overwhelmingly they want passed. Those measures include a bill that would require some form of identification -- a driver's license number, a social security card -- for voters who submit mail-in ballots. Another bill would require the Texas Secretary of State to review voter rolls for non-citizens and remove people who are ineligible to vote. Nothing in the bill is radical. If you oppose voter fraud, it’s all pretty obvious and non-controversial. That’s why it’s so popular with voters. But Texas Democrats don’t oppose voter fraud. Nor do they believe in multiparty politics — so they stopped the entire process cold.

Great job. Glad you caught them or they could have gone on and taken pictures of other things, and even videos. Who knows, they could have even committed other misdemeanors.

They're clearly a dangerous crew doing everything in broad daylight and documenting everything publicly just to throw everyone off track. Brilliant.

Instead of burning and looting and assaults cops, they simply stroll along causally to disguise their nefarious activities.

I heard one of them was actually armed with a bagel, and just think of the damage that could have done in the wrong hands.

Throw the book at them I say, and make them write on a chalkboard 100 times.

It is great that they rounded up this family of terrorists, however, it is extremely disappointing that so far every terrorists who has been sentenced has gotten little more than a slap on the wrist, probation for one, six months for another with time served counted, this after they stormed our Capitol and left 144 police injured and 3 police dead in a bloody and murderous coup attempt where they tried to end our 244 year old Democracy, there are people in Texas who are serving five years for not knowing they weren't allowed to vote. Oh, wait, those people were black. Never mind.

LOCK THEM UP. The rabid White-Supremacists arrested for attacking the Capitol on January 6 are not great people, or Capitol tourists, or political prisoners. They are treasonous criminals arrested for attacking the Constitutionally mandated process of ratifying the 2020 Presidential election. Their coming trials will make clear the criminal intent of both the instigator, Donald Trump, and each subsequently arrested domestic terrorist.

The investigations , indictments, arrests, prosecutions, convictions and incarcerations must continue until every individual who participated in the attempt to overthrow the government—(INCLUDING EVERY MEMBER OF CONGRESS THAT AIDED THE INSURRECTIONISTS)—has been brought to justice.

Donald Trump must be subpoenaed and required to testify under oath. He must admit his treasonous acts or refuse to incriminate himself by invoking the Fifth Amendment to the same Constitution he and his Brownshirts tried to overthrow. No one is above the law.

We need this to happen cause I’m the oldest of 9 and none of us been arrested cause my grandfather came from PUERTO RICO in the early 30’s he worked hard they my dad came in 48 at 18 worked very cause my grandfather told him if you are going to work you come with me if not stay with your mom so in 1958 my dad married my and my me so my dad told you go to school and work cause no one gets anything free so we have 5 generations here and we all work hard so this help the young people that if you do something wrong you go to jail cause my grandfather told my dad if you ever get arrested I will never go see you then my told us same my generation told our kids and my daughter’s were the same down to grandkids and great grandkids so it’s good

When only few companies own all of cable entertainment including all News you can’t believe anything without realizing there’s a agenda behind it especially when it comes to CNN. Get one thing straight, we should be very leery when it comes too trusting Elite Leftist PC SJW cancel cult culture Progressive/Dumbocraps because they are simply too calculating, dangerous and manipulative. There is a seriously mentally disturbed faction at CNN raging with hypocrisy, suffering from severe cases of cognitive dissonance trying to overthrow democracy. The most illustrious, dishonest, POS, leftist, shill, instigators are Paul Begala, Carl Bernstein, Jake Tapper, Carol Costello, Brian Stelter, Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, Van Jones, Jim Acosta, Robert Reight, Fareed Zakaria and Charles Blow. Liberalism has morphed into some kind of mental disorder, when has being disloyal, using Ad Hominem attacks, militant political correctness, out right hate (TDR), racism, bigotry, intolerance, as well as almost total dishonesty, become the rule not the exception? You can’t possibly still believe a network that lied you for three years that POTUS was a Russian operative, yet no retraction no apology They have been caught multiple times straight up making up stories to fit the acceptable narrative. They are the lefts propaganda arm just like Joseph Goebbels was for Nazi party.

From story : The Justice Department said that Thomas "Tom" Munn had encouraged people on social media to travel to DC in the weeks before the riot. In a December Facebook post, Tom Munn wrote, "Our President has only asked two things from us, so far... #1 Vote #2 January 6, 2021." In another post cited in court documents, Tom Munn wrote "The time has come!" The day before the riot, Tom Munn and what's described as his "nuclear family" -- including someone who appears to be his partner Dawn, and their children Kristi, Josh and Kayli -- drove from Borger, Texas, to Washington, according to charging documents used in a new federal criminal case against the five family members.
In a Facebook post a tipster provided to the FBI, Kristi Munn shared a picture of what appears to be some of her family members posing in camouflage clothing, with the comment, "Washington D.C. here we come !!! #StopTheSteal #TrumpisMyPresident" Another family member, Kelsi Munn -- who the FBI doesn't believe went to DC and was not charged with any crime -- posted pictures of her family on Facebook amid the siege, calling it "female empowerment" because the Munn women "stormed OUR capital," according to court records.

he Munns are among a handful of Capitol defendants to have been charged alongside immediate family members, though this appears to be the largest family charged together so far. Dozens of other alleged rioters have been turned in to authorities by family members and other close connections who saw them on TV, screenshotted social media posts or even discussed the riot in person. More than 530 people have been charged by the Justice Department in connection to the Capitol attack, according to CNN reporting on arrests and federal charges.
According to their social media posts and videos highlighted by prosecutors, the Munn family entered the Capitol through a broken window on January 6 and traversed the building together.
A sixth family member, who is a minor, also went into the Capitol with their family, investigators say, citing videos showing the Munns inside the building. The minor is not charged and was not identified by name or image in court records.
After the riot, all five family members continued to discuss on social media their day of showing support for then-President Donald Trump.
Tom Munn wrote that "patriots began chanting 'they are stealing our country' and 'press forward' as they were carrying the wounded out through us."

so there is no more freedom of speech in this country

There is NO 6 jan insurrection.
stop to lie, Washington post and CNN !
Do you know what is an insurrection ?????????
Legally ???
An insurrection means:
-war weapons
-planes and Tanks
- plans to attack, with a leader, and attack against the american army and against the white house, then killing the president.
This means an insurrection, or a coup.,But this never happened
6 jan: this is NOT an insurrection.
House democrats lies. jan 6th, it was a peaceful 3 millions citizens demonstration, against fraud and to defend constitution.
that’s all. And this is legal.
only 100 stupids came in the capitol, without ideas, without plan.
They were like kids.
without leaders, and they destroyed two doors and one windows.
It was absolutely NOT AN INSURRECTION, LIARS !
And Trump immediately condemned those stupids.
In Paris, Yellow Jackets were much violent.
BUT may 31th 2020, Democrats and BLM made a real genuine insurrection, burned Washington DC all night, attacked the Capitol, with 20 billions dollars damages, 20 dead, and a 400 years old church burned. Democrats and BLM attacked synagogues in Los Angeles. Censorship !
50 cities burned, and you don’t call that an insurrection ??
Biden , Pelosi and Obama totally agreed with this violent insurrection, telling it was a right, and democrats burned 50 cities. impeach Biden !

Trump is completely innocent: no insurrection
