Surgeon general warns of dangers of misinformation amid misleading vaccine claims

He called misinformation "a serious threat to public health." "I am urging all Americans to help slow the spread of health misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond," Murthy wrote.


As long as “Miss information” does not include asking relevant questions expecting answers that actually makes sense and follow science instead of commercialized propaganda. and : instead of saying how wonderful and effective this thing is. Saying the truth. It’s helped a lot of people but there’s always a risk. Here’s a list of people that haven’t done well with it. Here’s why. Make your decision carefully. It’s a decision that you will probably have to deal with your entire life. We don’t really know yet. We’re just doing our best to fight this. “ Just like anything else that you would inject into your body. Misinformation is not defined as “what you don’t want people to say or think “ That is taking away their freedom of speech. And I don’t think anybody’s going to tolerate that. No matter where you come from we’re all sick of being on edge every second of every day for the last 17 months. COVID-19 is dangerous. But so are other things. I’m all for the stop of spreading conspiracy theories and unnecessary drama. But I will not stop researching and sharing legitimate science. And I will not stop talking to my doctors. And I will not stop thinking for myself.

For your foul mouthed and unhinged "journalist" Erin Burnett - a journalist maybe you can get a few answers for us, instead of condemning those that are leery about these vaccines. 1- Are these still Emergency Use Authorization vaccines? 2- Have clinical trials regarding short and long term effects of these vaccines been completed? 3- have any of these been vaccines been certified and approved for general use by the FDA, like every other vaccine that is administered in the USA does? 4- Will taking the vaccine eliminate the need for masks, if not, why not? California seems to think you must wear a mask even with the vaccine? 5- VAERS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System - has reported numerous detrimental issues with the vaccines, given this information, would you vaccinate your children for a virus that has over a 99.8% survival rate, for vaccines that may cause unnecessary risk to your children? Let us know.

No need to debate false claims. Just look the the company history and facts.

Pfiz: 4.7 billion in fines for false claims, drug and medical equipment safety violations, off-label promotion, corrupt practices, kickbacks and bribery.

Mod: has never brought a va€€ine to market since its founding despite fielding 9+ va€€ine candidates, none of which made it through phase 3 clinical trials.

J&j: named in hundreds of thousands of lawsuits for toxic and/or dangerous products. Including drugs, shampoos, medical equipment, and asbestos contaminated baby powder. Neurological disorders.

AZ: suspended by two dozen European countries due to severe lethal adverse reactions.

You can totally trust greedy businesses!

BREAKING: Judicial Watch announced today that it received 75 pages of records from the Department of Veterans Affairs detailing the adverse reactions veterans had to the COVID-19 vaccines.
As of April 2021, Veteran’s Health Services reported 895 serious reactions which included: 20 cardiac arrests, 36 strokes, 15 cases of deep vein thrombosis, 10 heart attacks, and 19 pulmonary embolisms. They also reported over 26,000 less serious reactions. The agency withheld individual report details, citing alleged privacy and related issues.
“Despite the censorship and suppression by the Biden administration and Big Tech, the American people benefit from more, not less, information about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “These new documents show that politics and a pernicious Critical Race Theory approach infects VA decision-making on the allocation of health resources to veterans.”

I have been doing some comparative news watching. One thing is pretty certain. If you watch the exclusive "cult" information sources like Newsmax, OAN, and Fox, you will, of course, hear things much differently. And their stories will change to suit the conspiracy of the day. For example, according to Newsmax, OAN, and Fox, the January 6 rioters were Antifa, then they were BLM, then they were tourists, then they were the FBI. Similarly, talk show hosts like Tucker Carlson continue to spin evolving misleading claims about COVID and the vaccines. Meanwhile, the rest of the world's news agencies and press offices in the United States and abroad report the news.

So he believes JAMA (Journal of the American Medical association) is promoting dangerous misinformation, seriously? No matter which side you are on this should scare the grap out of you. FB and the Feds teaming up to censor people. It starts with covid but it will not stop there, we saw what they did with Hunter's laptop. They do not seem to understand that it is actions like this is what is causing vaccine hesitancy. It would help if they were more transparent, like why is Fauci dismissing natural immunity out of hand, what is the science behind his belief? Why are doctors, medical journals like JAMA and studies that do not agree with Fauci disinformation?

So to translate - we must silence anyone who mentions the FACTS that these vaccines have not been fda approved, we do not know what the long term effects are, there have been people who have gotten blood clots and heart issues, there are already drugs in existence that can be used to cure someone from covid, and you are still susceptible to getting the virus after getting the vaccine, correct? No other ‘misinformation’ was specifically mentioned so I Must assume this is what he is referring to. Just another leftist political hack pushing an agenda under the guise of a health professional...and why? Because if the virus keeps disappearing without everyone getting a vaccine we will all see this was a big scam.

I got my info from my doctor who was actually treating Covid patients in the hospital and from family, friends, neighbors who got the virus, were they hospitalized, did they wear a mask, did they have underlying health conditions, etc. It has to be something with blood type because a 62 year old man with emphysema on oxygen got Covid was perfectly fine and another person 30 years old male perfectly healthy was in ICU. How can that be? How can my family and friends who never wore a mask were less sick than the ones who did? Crazy but true.

It's a person own decision if they get vaccinated or not. I have no dispute.
However, is it misinformation when a vaccinated person confirm that they was vaccinated and they now test positive for CoVid, then openly tell the public? Or, if someone got the vaccine shot then died immediately afterwards? Or, that someone got the vaccine shot then develop sicknesses, diseases or abnormalities that has been documented?
I don't think it is misinformation but confirmation to the effectiveness of the vaccine and you giving misinformation in a briefing to the public.
The correct information is that "we pray that God forgive us for our sins and have Mercy upon us" !

10ºYou want facts?

6,079 deaths reported to VAERS per CDC, as of July 13, 2021.** However, OpenVAERS, created by an independent group to make it easier to see VAERS data, lists 9,048 deaths reported to VAERS as of July 7, 2021 (Actual numbers likely higher: a 2011 Harvard Pilgrim study (p.6) says less than 1% of adverse events are reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.)

Anaphylactic reactions/allergic reactions (18,270 severe cases - OpenVAERS)

Vascular: Thrombosis (blood clots), nose bleeds, stroke, emboli, thrombocytopenia (low platelets)

Cardiac and Respiratory: cardiac arrest, cardiac arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, shortness of breath, pulmonary emboli

Inflammation: lymph node swelling; myocarditis/pericarditis (especially high in young men)

Nervous system disorders: stroke, Guillain-Barre, Bell’s palsy, seizure, temporary paralysis, unable to walk
Muscle spasms and twitching – for weeks or months

Pain – extremities, chest, kidney, abdominal, eye, “pins and needles,” injection site

Pregnancy adverse events – spontaneous abortion, miscarriage, stillbirths, menstrual changes, maternal and fetal death, and possible infertility problems

Sensory/Cognition – headache, loss of sight, hearing, speech, tinnitus, brain fog, cognitive decline

Compromised immune system

Abdominal: diarrhea, colitis, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeds

Shingles; rashes, swelling

Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) – more severe COVID illness after the vaccinated are exposed to live virus

SIRVA – Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccination Administration

Extreme fatigue; fever; fainting, dizzy spells

"Breakthrough" COVID-19 infection – 3,016 hospitalized or fatal cases reported as of June 1, 2021, per CDC; NOTE: on May 1, 2021, the CDC stopped collecting data on breakthrough cases that did not lead to hospitalization or death despite 10,000 breakthrough cases reported through April 30, 2021. Therefore, the number of cases is unknown.

Little to no benefit from vaccination if already had COVID-19

Unknown effects of spike protein circulating in blood post-vaccination

Unknown long-term effects – rushed FDA approval under emergency use authorization (EUA)
