Homeland Security secretary warns Cubans and Haitians not to come to US by sea

Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas on discouraging Cubans and Haitians from fleeing to the US: "It is a long-standing message from the United States. The reality of it is that when people take to the sea, they put their lives in tremendous peril ... It is not worth the risk"



Ha ha this is double standard done by the Biden administration. They won’t listen to the Cuban crisis over there but they’ll let the borders open down at the south and let everybody from terrorist countries invade the country. While people in Cuba are screaming for their freedoms and liberties away from a corrupt tyrannical socialist government. In which the Biden administration looks like they support that and it looks like they have become that socialist government that we don’t want in our US government. Congratulations Biden voters ha ha. I think the Democratic Party is in some serious trouble

What I finding frustrating is how people still don’t see this for what it is…

They want migrants through the southern border to potentially swing a traditional Red state Blue - that is it.

Of course they don’t want Cuban migrants (hence the end of dry land) because Cubans traditionally swing right and keep Florida Red.

Google this for fun:
Which party opposed slavery
Which party began KKK
Which party opposed the KKK
Which party fought for womens’ right to vote

I can go on but idiocracy is real and “the weak despise the strong.” Keeping people poor and dependent on big gov’t is hard left - always has been

There are an significantly increasing number of Covid related mortalities in Myanmar.
Most of them are died of lack of treatment as they were being refused to admit for treatment even SpO2 dropped to 70 % or 65%.
Our poor Burmese ppl are desperately looking for oxygen supply by their own.

Military terrorists are using Covid as bio weapons and they are blocking every source of treatments to reach Burmese ppl.
They are cutting oxygen supply , forcefully stop selling to us. They also forcefully taken oxygen containers, treatments from volunteer-organisation.
Please please save our Burmese Civilians before wipe out.
This is an urgent humanitarian issue needed to be addressed.

The majority of Cubans vote Republican as opposed to the majority of Latin Americans that tend to vote Democrat. That is why this baldheaded windbag above is trying to block Cubans running away from Communism to enter this country. He knows for the most part they will not be voting for his party. Has absolutely nothing to do with anything else. Just like the baldheaded windbag above is allowing illegals through the Southern border and huge amounts of Fentanyl that ends up killing your children means absolutely nothing to the Democrats as long as they increase their illegal voting base.
