Critical race theory has become a social and political lightning rod. This is how we got here

At least two dozen states have banned critical race theory or introduced legislation to ban it from being taught in the classroom, with many conservatives calling it a divisive concept. But educators argue that critical race theory itself is generally not included in grade school curriculums.


I have come to the sad conclusion that our country is being attacked from within and from outside sources as well. The critical race theory, the woke movement, the diversity-equity movement, coupled to racism being alleged at every turn, were movements not created by people on the street, of whom never have the time to think up things like this. These movements have been around for a long time, but have been taken and developed into what they are today, via the guidance of left wing think tanks, by very powerful people, such as George Soros and by a past president, Barrack Obama, that used the power of the presidency to push all the before mentioned into our schools and into society in general. There are also world powers that would like to see our country collapse from within, such as China. I see COVID and also the theft of our election as part of the plan and China having a hand in both. Sorry folks, but what we are seeing and have been seeing is too complex and far reaching to be political coincidence. Too much of a pattern has emerged for it to be seen as anything but a very complex attempt at taking over our country. How do we fix this? We start by parting ways with China, as in no manufactured imports of any kind. This would not include food and raw materials. This will rob China of the funds their leadership will need for their military ambitions, but not starve their nation. Next, we need to remove all people from office, from both parties, with a history of supporting said movements and with supporting trade with China. And this also includes removing all teachers and professors promoting said movements. Why? Because they will never stop trying to push their socialist/Marxist agenda. Never! As for our very corrupt media, we need laws that levy extreme penalties upon any news network for purposely misleading the American people on any issue. These solutions might seem severe at first glance, but once you take a good hard look at what is taking place in our country, at all levels of government, you will come to the conclusion, as I have, that they are not severe enough.

I taught American History for 30 years. I must say that during all that time I was really too busy teaching 135 kids a day to worry about brainwashing anyone like these knuckle draggers contend teachers do all the time. I mean I was making millions of dollars a year but really I was too busy trying to find a copier that worked, signing requisitions to get copy paper, meeting the social, emotional and educational needs of all 135 children I taught, doing duty to prevent another mass shooting and preparing lessons that were at the level of every single student in class. If any of these ding dongs think I had any time to brainwash a 14 year old that are more obtuse than even I suspect. The people that are making an issue out of this made up issue know as much about reading, learning, thinking, education and research as a European in the Dark Ages. I am so glad that I quit after 30 years and have a career now with actual remunerative rewards and I won't have to deal with idiots like these. I did back in the 1980's, when Reaganites and the Moral Majority ( they were anything but) did the same type idiotic stuff. How anyone with half a brain can think that one can teach American History without covering issues like slavery, genocide, economic inequality and ignore their relationship to today is beyond me. Keep making issues out of non-issue like this that are simply made up by politicians and there will be no one left to teach your goofy kids.

People in the south and in crap schools need this. I can see it in their posts. People in Kentucky do not acknowledge Jim crow laws. They just want to pretend it didn't exist. They think that blacks who faught in wars were treated great and faught along with white people. They don't know about the Civil War troops. They think that during ww1 and 2 that black people came back and had the same rights. There wasn't colored water fountains and they will make every excuse not to deal.with it. Some of you need this and don't even realise it.

Just once instead of just giving these pea brains a platform , I would love to see anyone of the hosts ask them to explain what Critical Race Theory is in detail, where it is being taught, who is teaching it and where if anyplace they have witnessed it being taught. Clearly not one of them will answer because there is no answer. Instead they will try to deflect. As soon as they do, shut them down by saying since your not going to answer our questions there is nothing for us to talk about. And then finish them off by saying they are failing their constitu ants by lying to them.

They might as well realize they are fighting a losing battle. They are looking at a country where at the moment they are the majority by race. In a few more years they will not be and they know it. It scares them because the GOP has been messaging that they should be scared. White people aren't having as many kids now that scares them. The GOP itself is a dwindling party and they have to shout and be extremists to be heard. When black people are the majority they will teach CRT and all kinds of other things and if these GQP people aren't careful they will find themselves in a very uncomfortable place in history books.

We got here because of you CNN because you and the Democrats like to use race and African-Americans as political weapons to win elections. The problem here is those same African-Americans that you use quickly forget that they’re pushed to the wayside after every election and forgotten about. That’s why were here today because nothing gets better for them because all they believe is your lies and your hype. We also got here because of identity Socialism. Something the Nazis like to use back in World War II. It seems the Democrats are pretty good at it. Everybody good white people bad and if you don’t agree you’re racist. Racist that is the N-word to every white person in America. No one wants to be labeled racist especially in this day and age. So I do fear People go with it. That is why we are here today.

True CRT is an extremely good way to teach how historically laws and policies have had a wide ranging negative socio-economic impact on minorities today. The problem is that it is a college, or at best, high school level course that needs to be taught to children who have the mental capacity to understand it’s historic context comparative to today’s norms.

What people are having a problem with is the watered down versions beginning to be taught to younger kids who don’t have the mental capacity to see it other than one race vs the other. They will take what they hear at face value and judge themselves based on what you are telling them about people of their race from the past, due to how impressionable they are. That’s what is upsetting many parents, of different races and backgrounds.

Here is an example (you may agree with it being taught or not, but it’s an example that it’s being taught to grade school kids, and some don’t agree with that happening):


The worse think that we can do is give people excuses and make them feel helpless and turn one American against other Americans and that is basically the sole purpose of CRT and similar programs. We should absolutely treat history but all of it and accurately. The civil war started less than 20 years after Texas became a state. This was early in our country and we were one of the first to ban slavery which had literally existed throughout all of the history Of the world and still exists in pretty icy every country that was not colonized by Europe with the exception of Japan and South Korea. This bitterness and trying to blame others instead of accountability is sick and demented and will absolutely hurt far more than it will help anything.

All this is about nothing. Republican are trying to breed hatred and divisiveness just like Putin wants.They have no idea what critical race theory is and are inventing bs about it. This is not even a grade school course. Nobody has been taught it in public schools. How are they defining it? They are just saying they dont want the truth from both sides about the ills of American history taught and that has nothing to do with critical race theory which is only taught in law school, mainly at Harvard. Republicans keep lying to stay in in power and they have become an autocratic party like those in third world countries. The US is headed for a Hitler or North Korean like regime if people dont start using analytical,skills and not their racism and hatred.

10ºI'll tell you how we got here. Drugs. Its hard to find ANYONE NOT on some kind of drug. From pot to prescription painkillers and every pop up new thing to either smoke, snort, shoot up or eat that comes along. Additionally an absolute breakdown in morality and respect with technology replacing parenting have created little monsters with no more character than a moon rock. Spoiled little brats with nothing better to do than protest everything from pancake syrup to children's cartoons with sexual perverts and criminals as hero's. You want to fix it? Pray for an electrical blackout for no less than 3 years. Weakness will be non existent thus making this generation extinct.
