What to know about DACA being ruled illegal

For now, those currently in the DACA program will be allowed to stay in it, even as the judge has blocked the government from approving the applications of new enrollees. Here is a breakdown of what his decision means.



People of any denomination of any value to a country should never be refused entry. If they are taking jobs it is because those already in the country don't want to do these jobs for one reason or another. Most of the people I have hired are people who immigrated here in search of a better life for themselves and their families and they have never complained about what they were hired to do and I do pay them the same as I would anyone else. Most of the people who work for me are more like family than employees, I treat them as people with a purpose as well as having a right to be heard. Having a great year to me means I show my appreciation to them by having a few parties along the way and a bonus at the end of the year, something most places do not do. After all they work hard and do deserve a piece of the pie they helped to make possible.

Illegal immigrants & non citizens work ain’t cheap. They believe their children have Slave 14th Amendment birthright, Collect birth certificate from an unsecured hospital and social security benefits from day 1 for their children. All Free money.

American Citizens Parents are paying taxes. America can’t tell you your Citizenship don’t matter. Illegal immigrants and Non Citizens do not become Citizens upon entering hospital and do not give birth to US Citizens.

The Constitution is written for the American Citizens. In order to be govern by the Constitution other than basic human rights illegal immigrants and non citizens need to put in an approved application for citizenship via naturalization The words”Regardless of parents citizenship status “ don’t exist in the US Constitution written for citizens not foreigners that don’t apply for citizenship. Children belong to their parents not America. It is illegal to force children of foreigners to be a US Citizen without the request & consent of the parents Foreigners have a right to obtain citizenship for their children in their country no matter where their children are born. The 14th Amendment grants automatic citizenship to children born to parents that are already citizens. A birth certificate form is NOT a US application for citizenship.

American Parents stand up for your self and your children.. The American women citizenship does not disappear when they enter a hospital to have a baby. That is NOT when illegal immigrant and non citizens parents become equivalent to the parents that are US Citizens. Children born to Citizens have birthright to be born a citizen

If America did not lock the Black American Descendant of Slaves out of the Colleges, they would have been able to learn our perspective of the Constitution and realized that they were WRONG about the Slave 14th Amendment. We were excluded from our story.

Soy una persona que estoy en desacuerdo con el comunismo al 100% . Y me gusta mucho el sistema económico Estadounidense, próspero, lleno de oportunidades para los extranjeros, pero hay una cosa muy importante que tengo que aclarar y que tú misma mencionaste...
Sobre lo " democrático" hay estoy en desacuerdo porque el factor principal en una verdadera democracia es el Diálogo, el intercambio de ideas etc...
Cómo militar de vocación mi especialidad es el ámbito militar y la historia universal y he notado en la más de 60 intervenciones militares Estadounidenses que a hecho a lo largo de la historia muchas irregulares en la que no estoy de acuerdo y no solamente yo, si no la mayoría de los países intervenido por Estados Unidos...
Y sabes porque lo digo porque esas invasiones militares fueron hechas con la intención de implantar la "DEMOCRACIA" en aquellos países que tenían un Estado fallido, pero resulta que la implantación de la "democracia" en esos Estados fallidos se realizaba a partir del asesinato indiscriminado de toda aquella persona, mujer, hombre, niño que pensaba distinto o estuviese en contra de tal invasión, algo que atenta contra sus principios de "Democracia y libertad" que es el diálogo y el no a la violencia. Y los números de muertos en esos países se cuentan es través de millones...
Y reitero tú sabes además porque yo mencioné que no existe democracia en su totalidad en Estados Unidos, porque si yo estuviera diciendo estás palabras en donde estoy expresando mi punto de vista en el PENTÁGONO o en la CASA BLANCA. Me estuvieran tachando cómo un comunista o algo parecido y me mandarían arrestar después por difamación y especulación...
Cuando la realidad es otra, cualquier persona puede expresar libremente su punto de vista y no tiene porque verse afectado por eso. Es muy lamentablemente y hasta el mismo libertador de América SIMÓN BOLÍVAR dijo está frase " Estados Unidos plagará de males a América en nombre de la libertad
