It’s the one about the show about a show… about nothing? So, which group of sitcom friends do you wish you belonged to? Meet the people behind some of your best TV friends in an all new #HistoryOfSitcom tonight at 9 p.m. ET/PT


I don’t like modern sitcoms, in general. After Threes Company & Psych, I can’t think of a sitcom, I watched regularly. Never liked Friends nor Seinfeld; & How I Met Your Mother either. It’s a show, set in NY. Yet both had an all White cast, with the occasional token. The stories were nonsensical. If it were about a family on a farm in Kansas, that wouldn’t be far-fetched. But in the 21st Century, in NYC? Fuhgettaboutit. Turn on your video & walk down any NYC block, or go into any coffee shop, & you would see just how far fetch that is. CNN you should do that & ask yourselves were both shows a realistic portrayal of NYC. I should know, I’ve been here for almost 59 years.
