First US Capitol rioter convicted of a felony gets 8 months in prison

JUST IN: A man who pleaded guilty to breaching the Senate chamber during the US Capitol insurrection has been sentenced to eight months in prison in a closely watched case that could influence how hundreds of other rioters charged with the same felony are punished. Paul Hodgkins, a 38-year-old Floridian, is now the first Capitol rioter charged with a felony to be sentenced.


The American Economy is Worse Off under Biden as he tries to turn us into a Marxist Nation!
Inflation is up to 5pc, driving UP the cost of everything we buy.
He average price of gas well over a dollars a gallon since you took office and declared War on new development of Oil and Gas.
President Trump, had America Energy Independent
Joe paysPeople to Not Work, with Stimulus /unemployment checks.
Meantime employers can’t find people to fill 8 to 9 MillionJobs!!
Biden, will Kill off what’s left of the Economy, trying to end Trump Personal and Business Tax Cuts and proposing 4 Trillion dollars of New Taxes.

I doubt if many other inmates are Trump 'huggers' in the prison where he will be spending quite a few months.. Will he display his Trump loyalty in his cell?? A felony on your record makes success in life very difficult.. You lose a lot, voting rights, credit rating, rights to own guns, and many more daily problems.. Loyalty to Trump's lunacy, for an 'in your face', confrontational politics, getting involved 'just cause' you can, as if personal disapproval of one minority by another, should over ride the will of the majority, overturn an election, essentially over throw government, can never be a option.. They don't like black folks, they don't like 'liberals', don't like gays, fear progress and diversity, oppress women, and take up arms against their own elected government, yet suffer little to no consequences until now.. Only after an armed, violent, deadly insurrection, following decades of undeniable sedition, when their own party lost power, does the past matter, should have been addressed a long time ago.. Institutionalized racism is not new, yet the new awareness of the 'depth' of the problem, is alarming.. .

The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives" (28 C.F.R. Section 0.85).

8 months, what a freaking joke! And if he was a POC his sentence would have been much longer!!! Blatant display of systematic racism right before our eyes. This man and others mounted an insurrection and terrorized not only our governmental official but American's watching. Absolutely disgusting and will promote this behavior occurring again. Some of these folks act like they are willing to die for their beliefs, so this is like a slap of the wrist.

He admitted his crime, admitted being mislead and wrongfully deceived and used by Trump's BIG LIE, and took responsibility for his bad decision. It was his first offense. Those conditions weigh heavily in any sentencing actions by trial judges

He can no longer own guns or be associated with known felons.

He is now a convicted felon, and will come out of prison facing the consequences of a job market, credit market, and rental markets that will be far less than friendly to him. This is what so many hundreds of millions of minorities have faced upon such release...many of them for non-violent offenses and false arrests.

The laws apply equally to everyone. I just wish he and all his fellow domestic Terrorists would have been summarily dealt with as our Liberal Founding Fathers and Mothers would have dealt with them.

Far to light a sentence! If someone confronted a legislator on the Capital Grounds and threatened to hang them, attempted to harm them, attacked defenders with flag poles and weapons, would this be any kind of deterrent. First of all, dRumpf needs to be charged and sentenced for his incitement, continued enraging of the rioters and total disrespect for the Halls of Congress, has not been called out in any way in the legal system. Unfortunately, yes, all of this sets the tone for the rest of the insurrectionists to be treated like rowdy trick-or-treaters. Disgusting is what it is.

He should’ve had a longer sentence than just 8 months. He trespassed on Capitol property. He carried a flag that very well could’ve been used as a weapon. He like the others stormed the Capitol with intentions of stopping certification of a fair election. If he had any sane mind of his own, he wouldn’t have gone into the Capitol to begin with. He went along with the rest of the rioters. I’m surprised that an American judge passed down such a light sentence for the crime. As awful as this to say, we here in Canada make mistakes like that. I’m being honest here.

I think the congresswoman or senator I'm not sure what she is that ended up getting arrested on the capital floor last week .
kind of sets this up to not be as big of an incident.
Their lawyers are going to point her out as everybody does this...
I think it was a very badly timed move on her part.
I agreed with what she was standing up about. But just not bringing it to the senate floor...
PS it seems if you're richer in the s*** you're Teflon Don or your friends of Mr Teflon. But if you're this guy and followed Mr Teflon. you're going to jail... Put Trump in jail!!!

I agree with the comments- eight months is nothing compared to what it really should be, but those eight months are going to go on and on and on in his life because for what he has done and he’s going to be paying for it in many different ways - would you want to ever hire someone like that? would you want that type of a person to be your friend or neighbor or even live in the same city that you live in? I wouldn’t want any part of him or his friends. He has made his bed and now he can lay in it!

This guy deserves this for being such an idiot but notice that the vast majority of people arrested during the BLM/AntiFa riots of 2020 have had their charges suspended or reduced dramatically. The DOJ/FBI is going hardcore against this right wing riot with people in prison for 6 MONTHS already meanwhile BLM/Antifa rioters, looters, church burners, murderers are roaming free. Dozens were murdered in the 2020 summer riots and how many people are in jail for that? Thousands of businesses were destroyed , looted etc. The vast majority of them just got off scott free. That is woke Dem justice.

10ºI’m curious, who’s looking at the core cause of all of this? Not just what happened, who done,how and why? The root cause is the illness, the rest are just symptoms, ointment on the blister that happens to be undiagnosed, early onset basal cell carcinoma. The core cause diagnosis being negative programmed responses to widespread, tolerated, global system corruption and related addictions, where big business perpetuates the illusion of freedom by seemingly true but corrupted false stories, including the story of freedom and democracy, while behind the sciences controls the choices offered by system programming (as reference both Bernie Sanders presidential campaigns) and life altering reward and punishment behaviors towards their supporting and non supporting environments and communities, including Universal Paradise Story Consciousness Computing technology, which corrects by bringing into focus new, higher world consciousness, by layered, story integrating over 200 recognized scientific observations to bring it into full scientific focus. The scientifically validated discovery that we are within a faulty, toxic alternate reality we call 2021, created by simple control of the words we use and their meanings, as well as the stories told and not told to the masses. The globally connected internet using google, YouTube and social media has changed all this now, resulting in these discoveries and their immediate global broadcast. Now transmitting fully in tune 24x7 at all layers universally, for all to tune in now. Here at the link in profile or at See you there. (Most will not have the consciousness, currently, to understand or accept the universal truth of this post but thankfully many now do have the ability to receive it.)