Nearly 60 confirmed Covid-19 cases linked to the Olympic Games have been reported

Tokyo 2020 reported Monday that there are 58 Covid-19 cases linked to the Olympic Games so far.


Bad idea to let unvaccinated go to the Olympics. A lot of athletes in training before even getting there are also able to roam around where unvaccinated could go and then get the virus that way. Like vegas for example for the sports that were training there, athletes were able to roam the hotels and casinos where there are a lot of unvaccinated. Ouchy. The big problem is if you are vaccinated and you catch it they want to end your Olympic dream even with people taking all precautions. This is not right at all. Unvaccinated don't care and will spread to anyone and put the blame on the vaccinated for the spread. Unvaccinated need to be banned or Olympics will get postponed. Enough is enough.

Summary of my visitation with Mazi Nnamdi Kanu on Monday 19th July, 2021 at the DSS

By Barrister Aloy Ejimakor

Last Saturday, when I visited Mazi Kanu, I expressed strong concerns about the inordinate delay in having Kanu sign the two Forms I had taken to the DSS for Kanu’s signature some days before.

Both Forms relate to affirming his consent to consular and diplomatic interventions by the United Kingdom and the her High Commission in Nigeria.

Surprisingly, the Forms were returned to me unsigned.

Let me make it clear that the day I took the Forms to the DSS, the officers on location were amenable to Kanu signing them until somewhere along the line, they tarried and decided to send it to the legal unit for vetting.

So, my sense is that it’s the legal unit of the DSS that disapproved of Kanu signing the Forms for reasons that were not given to me.

As a Lawyer, I don’t see any legal advantage the government of Nigeria stands to gain by blocking Kanu from signing those Forms. The Forms are but a mere routine in matters like this.

Instead of any advantage, the refusal will help fuel the notion that the government of Nigeria is deliberately isolating Kanu from having consular and diplomatic access to the United Kingdom.

It does not comport with the best traditions of fundamental fairness that a detainee is being denied access to resources that will assist him in his defense. This is one of things that will count in our reckoning as this matter continues to fold.

For these reasons, I am now compelled to call on the British High Commission in Nigeria to banish every red tape and exert the full weight of its diplomatic clout in gaining immediate access to Kanu. This is especially important, given the prospects of better welfare, including adequate medical care for Mazi Kanu.

Further, the prompt intervention of the High Commission will mean that Kanu will have another layer of human contact in addition to his legal team who are the only ones currently allowed to see him.

They also rejected and returned some Jewish prayer books and clothings we had taken to him last week, explaining that he had to be the one to make the request through a certain department at the DSS that officially caters to his needs.

Aloy Ejimakor, Special Counsel to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Abuja, July 19, 2021.

hoy en dia el covid 19 se a presentado e muchos paises del mundo y estos muchos paises tienen pacientes con sintomas de covid.inclusive en estos muchos paises hay enfermos de covid en sus hogares en recuperacion asimismo hay enfermos en cuidados intencivos en centros medicos.esto quiere decir que el virus del covid19 y las variantes detectadas en estos paises del mundo,estan latentes en la poblacion.pero aun siendo esto asi hay personas que practican deporte.practican las diferentes diciplinas deportivas que hay en el deporte mundial del deai que estos deportistas al tener conocimiento de los juegos olimpicos que se llevara a cabo en an preparado al preparado con alma,corazon y vida.para participar y siespocible ganar en su participacion en cada diciplina deportiva de los juegos olimpicos.por lo visto cada deportista a sido chequeado por medicos de su pais y an sido autotizados para participar en las olimpiadas en hay porque coibirles su participacion,esto porque como deportistas ellos saben que van a participar con los riesgos que ello conlleva.por eso no se debr de extremar las medidas de seguridad y se debe de dar unas medidas de seguridad normal para que asi los deportistas puedan participar y lograr sus objetivos de participacion para su pais.aun logrando o no logrando ganar la medalla de oro,plata o broce.mas bien felicitaciones a los organizadores de los juegos olimpicos en japom.llamado juegos olimpicos de tokio 2021.