Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and his crew just successfully completed a spaceflight. More photos: Latest updates:


Lots of people think Bezos should give away money or pay taxes, both that I agree would be noble actions...But given that he's a power-hungry jerk who seems to want to take over all business, then instead of fantasizing about his being nice and doing the "right" thing, perhaps we should fantasize about him doing what he wants---build his own power and wealth and replace old forms of business---and STILL end up helping the rest of us. We have a major problem---the fossil fuel industry, both oil and gas---still control our present and future, and getting them to agree to "transition" on their terms may take too long...I can't think of anyone in the world who would better suited to jump-start a quick transition to clean, carbon-free renewable energy than...Jeff Bezos. He can retain and grow his wealth; saving the world would not be his personal goal, but it could still be the result....

The world is suffering from heat and heavy rains due to climate change and a few billionaires have nothing better to do than to fill the air with more and more CO2 for space tourism. What progress for this civilization.
And soon we will have to look at more and more pictures of influencers and "celebrities" feasting on their ego in space while the pitiful middle and lower classes lose everything the bank has left them to natural disasters. It all reminds a little of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. The total loss to the reality of the common people on whom they now finally look down from a proper distance.

We should not ask Bezos to do for us what we can do for ourselves.

We don’t need him to feed millions we only need to have each one of US to feed only one of US.

We can reach the neighbor next door today with just a few dollars or some of the food that we were going to throw away.

We can feed a hungry child with the coffee money we waste or use in a week.

My neighbor across the street was so glad and appreciated the small act of kindness of something I gave him for nothing in return.

I didn’t have to consult a corporate board meeting to get permission or get corporate dollars to do some good.

In my opinion we make excuses because we are not rich. Most people are not in need of billions of dollars from Bezos, Gates, Trump, Buffet, and the like.

They need to be pleasantly surprised by YOUR random act of kindness.

One heck of an expensive amusement park ride. I have been on amusement park rides that have lasted longer. The money that it cost to go into space for that 30 seconds could have helped so many people. This has to be absolutely the lamest waste of money and time I've ever seen in my life. I am not impressed. They weren't even in space long enough to get comfortable or have a cup of coffee for that matter. What a waste and a disappointment. All that just to experience a whole 4 minutes of weightlessness. So exciting... Lame!!!

So many short sighted, jealous people on this post. Jeff Bezos started a business from his garage and built it into the most successful company man has ever seen. Amazon employs over 2,500,000 people with a minimum wage of $15 which is double the federal minimum wage. And many make more than that. Amazon reinvests much of their company profit which affords them tax breaks because they are creating more jobs and infrastructure. The space program Bezo's is launching is critical to further our advancement of humankind. This is truly the next frontier for our expansion and to carry us into the future as a species. Plus he gives a tremendous amount of money to multiple charities and organizations to help those with the most need. Get off your soapbox and get out there and do more for your fellow man before judging the guy that has bettered the lives of millions of people.

I know the hate for Jeff is real but to me it's more jealously. And for those that call him a bad boss and what company or bosses aren't. You work as a cop of firefighter get injury on the job and they don't even want get give you your fully pension. You break your leg bad enough in a sport and you're out of the league. There is never enough pay and never enough time off.

Run your own business and see what your employees say behind your back. The fact is Jeff and the Richard should be renewing the interest in space the final frontier (had to get the Trek reference in) that hasn't been seen since the space race of the 60s and the shuttle launches of the 80s. Leave the politics at home and the anger that either becomes Batman with there billions. #Amazon #bluehorizon

Why does this make me feel irrationally angry?

I know in the scheme of things, what this man does has no bearing, but i can’t imagine having that much disposable income and not using it for the betterment of mankind.

Like, I hustle so I can be this wealthy and simultaneously work toward a better state of the earth as a whole. Once I hit that sweet spot in wealth, all the extra is going to building and funding schools, building non profit hospitals and clinics in underserved communities, paying for kids to go to university to break the cycle of generational poverty, donating to government projects for infrastructure improvement. My husband and I have already discussed this at great lengths. We have action plans in place for each milestone of wealth we hit.

Stuff like that is what you do with excessive disposable income. Not this wild story of going to space while my workers struggle to make ends meet and live off of government benefits.

I'm shocked by people's myopic and inverted assumption or belief that Elon is the angel and Jeff the devil in billionaire wars. They are just two rogue greedy people who excel via loopholes and exemptions designed by the rich for the rich. These people shouldn't be praised, and shouldn't be admired. If they did all this under a fair tax system, I'd be happy. My point, praising one while demonizing the other is how they play us. We shouldn't even be looking at their beautiful space vehicles (which are so great BTW, I am not an enemy of fun and progress and the pursuit of answers) I'm just sick of tax paying people praising non tax paying people who can't even scrap for good air conditioning in their places of work. We shouldn't be arguing over who to not praise. Oh and btw they both paid almost no tax this year. ruminate on that.

I really dnt know how the science and space community sees this, but I’m beginning to see the boredom in calling anyone that touches the 5cm of the border above the exosphere of the Earth, an Astronaut and haven been to space, imagine getting to the border of Togo, stepping a foot across the line and finally tell my self and the rest of the world that I’ve been to Togo. Just not exciting anymore.

Time, Space and Matter has always determined and defined reality, if USA would require a foreigner married to their citizen to physically live in the states for at least 548 to 913 days before awarding you with the title of a citizen, then I think the space community should revisit this condition for attributing one as an Astronaut after spending 5 minutes at the brink of the Earth’s Exosphere.

#BoringChallenge #SaveSpaceTravel #Boring

10ºWho cares, you took your rich brother, and you took some kid who's father is rich enough to pay $28 million to put his kid on there. Bezos, your worth almost $200 billion, you mean you couldn't let the kid ride for free? Or better yet, you should have taken a middle class or a kid from a poor family that is really into space, but could never afford to do that. But no, you took some rich kid whose family has the means to do it, and the means to send their kid to an expensive college. I would have had a lottery for a low income kid, and then help that kid reach his/her dreams in the future.