Jeff Bezos goes to space

Watch Jeff Bezos and crew blast off aboard the Blue Origin ship into space


The government funding of the original space race was an aberration in many respects. Most of the great innovations in science and technology have come about through private entrepreneurship. The detractors whining about the “billionaire space race” are both simplistic and myopic in their analysis of the importance of the innovations we’re seeing by men like Branson, Bezos, and Musk. Reusable space vehicles are the future, and they are due to the vision of men who think outside the box. Should billionaires pay a much larger share of their wealth in taxes? Clearly. But that is a separate issue. We can both advance the course of human knowledge and exploration AND solve problems here on Earth. False dichotomies are a fool’s game.

I really can't understand this "billionaire space craze"... Wow, you went to the outskirts of space for a few minutes to be able to say you did it... What is the point of it? Between him and Richard Branson, the millions spent on this "space adventure" could have been used something that actually helps... I know, it's their money so obviously they are entitled to do as they pleased, but with so much that needs to be done in this planet, this just seems... wasteful. (and yes, I know that they have charities, and give and all that, but this is just what I think)

I reserve being impressed by your accomplishment until you and your company start treating your employees well. Job security, a non-toxic work environment, living wages, on-site child care, among others.

Let's see Amazon stop bullying their employees and you recognize your workforce is not your private minions footing the bill for your pet project. Yes, it's really cool you have the money to do this impressive project that serves humanity in its contribution to private, self-paid space exploration. But, I fail to feel respect or admiration for you as I watch your post-game interview. It's like you left the kids and the wife at home with the check book and you failed to make a deposit before you took off for a vacation with your mistress.

This is just the beginning of the future of space travel and exploration. NASA does not have the necessary funding from the government to continue with our space program like these private companies can do. NASA has and can partner with them in future endeavors, like colonization on the moon and beyond and new technology that may benefit the new Space Force.. This goes way beyond just billionaires feeding their egos.
Check out the insirational story of the 82 year old woman who went up free with Bezos and the 18 year old whose money paid by his dad went to charity.
Also, it's not like these billionaires don't already give millions to the needy. Congrats to both Bezos and Branson for setting the foundation for our next generation of young astronauts to explore - where no man's gone before!

Here's the point a lot of people on this thread seem to be missing: it's his freaking money & he can do with it whatever he wants. Just like you can do what ever you want to do with your money. How would you like it if he got on FB & gave the world his opinion on how he thinks you should spend any disposable income you have? Stop right there! Forget that new 65" flat screen TV you've been dreaming of; how dare you! You turn that cash over to the immigrants at the border right now you selfish thing!

I like to think of it as not either/or, but both/and.

I think it’s possible to have equitable taxation and fair treatment of workers AND space technology and exploration. While the Apollo Program cost significant money, there were also advances in computing and technology that resulted.

I would like to see resources put not only towards space tourism, but mitigation strategies concerning Potentially Hazardous Objects (2013 Chelyabinsk was a warning), mining the Moon and asteroids for useful materials and the development of a vehicle and power source for the Alcubierre Warp Drive

Should humankind survive our self-destructive tendencies and inclinations, new places to live away from Earth will become necessary in the future, between the Sun’s increasing luminosity as it becomes a red giant, the collision of the Milky Way and Andromeda, Extinction-Level asteroids and comets headed our way and gamma-ray bursts

BFD. Glad he enjoyed himself on for a few minutes on the back of his workers and all the the lazy people who order from his company. Too bad all of the money spent on his adventure didn’t go where it could have gone helping real societal problems like affordable housing, healthcare, etc. His donation of $200m toward world problems was a drop in the bucket compared to his rocket jolly ride. There are so many local mom and pop stores which have gone out of business because of him. Oh well, his actions of self indulgence speak louder than his “caring” words.

Can I please remind people when cars were fist invented it was only for the elite. When planes were first invented it was mainly first used by the military, then the elite. When PC's were first invented it was at best the middle class. Cell phones? Middle to upper class.

I can now drive to the airport, take a plane to another country all while using my cell phone which is more powerful than the first 20 years of PC technology.

That WHOLE time there was still people poor, starving, etc. etc. Quit telling a billionaire how he should spend his money. Progress in all aspects is important.