Washington high school football coach to take appeal over prayer to Supreme Court

A high school football coach who was banned from taking a knee for a brief personal prayer after football games is taking his challenge back to the Supreme Court, the latest such dispute to reach a conservative court that has moved to expand greater protections for religious believers.



How many of those defending him would be okay if he rolled out a prayer mat 5x a day in front of his students?

What if he had a statue of Baphomet, drew out a pentagram and kept the Satanic Bible on his desk?

Does your answer change if any student testifies that preferential treatment is given to those that join in?

Would your answer change if your school had more of X religion and your child was outnumbered, watching all their friends and several respected faculty take part in a religion that's not your own?

I remember plenty of controversy when I was in the military over the "missing man" table at formal events. Officially, there is no religious book involved, but over a decade ago, a lot of units would place a Bible on the table. The only time there was a problem, however, was when other books were placed as well. Place a Quran on the table or a Satanic Bible (even when a person lost in that specific unit was of that faith) and people would lose their minds. There's a reason they specifically omit (and in many units outright ban) the inclusion of any religious texts in the display.

Let’s get this straight. The original purpose for the separation of Church and State was to grant freedom of or from an enforced religion. Many people came to this continent to escape persecution for not observing the same religion as prescribed to them by authorities. It should NEVER be right to lead a prayer to a particular God in a secular setting, even though it happens all of the time. If one wants to say a silent prayer to their higher power, it can never be banned by anyone or anyplace. We didn’t even have the phrase “Under God” in the pledge of allegiance until 1954, when Eisenhower was president. That was the fourth and latest version of the Pledge.

So...if my child is a Muslim who is required by our religion to pray 5 times a day, attends your schools, he or she will be allowed?
If my child is Jewish, will he or she be allowed to do afternoon prayer?
And, let's not forget the dedicated Christians who pray multiple times a day!
You "Occasional and Only When Its Convenient, Christians" seem to think you have the monopoly on religion , but here is where it backfires on you.
If you are going to insist that schools allow religion in their daily activities, then other religions are going to step in for fairness.

Our freshman football coach did this after every game when the team was in the huddle and fans still in the stands. He would tell the boys they were going to pray or have a moment of silence to reflect. Pray however you believe or meditate and reflect on yourself for that minute or two. He was a different religion than me, but I didn’t care. If you want to pray, pray. If not, be quiet a have a minute to reflect on yourself, the game or whatever! Even self reflection or meditation can help a younger man be a better person.

I am very happy to share this amazing testimony, i was hurt and heart broken when my husband left me with our kid, i was confused and didn’t know what to do, i loved him so much, i tried all i could to bring him back but all my effort was in vain , on one faithful day i explained my problem to my friend, and she told me of a great love spell caster called Dr Esther whom also make her pregnant when she was looking for a child, i never believed in spells but i have give a try to see if things will get better, i contacted Dr Esther through the contact info my friend gave to me, after some hours the spell caster responded to me she told me to stay and gave me some instructions on what to do and i did exactly as i was told, to my greatest surprise, my husband who has not called me for a very 3 yrs , called me and start apologizing for all the wrongs he did to me and pleaded with me that he want to return home with me and the kids, now he loved me more than ever before, my respectable viewers brothers and sisters if you are passing through any kind of problem contact her, and i give you 100% guarantee that she will solve your problems, contact her through Hangout on this email address drestherspellcasterhomeoftesti@gmail.com or WhatsApp number+2348159377704