More than 110,000 Covid-19 vaccine doses have been destroyed in Georgia since December

More than 110,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been destroyed in Georgia since December 2020 because they were not being used, state health officials say.


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So many idiots, so so many. We’re gonna go through another whole winter with restrictions, because people believe bs they see on social media. Millions of people have gotten this vaccine with little to no issue. Of course there will be some issues as there is with anything, but the biggest issue is the people that refuse to get it. This isn’t going to go away until we smarten up and quit buying into conspiracy theories. Take off your tinfoil hats and do the right thing for your family, your friends and your neighbors. The reason polio isn’t a thing anymore is because people got vaccinated. There were no social media platforms to spread misinformation and fear back then. Uneducated and misinformed is all the unvaccinated are.

Everyone in here is worried about less developed countries …. Those countries were using ivermectin and HCQ and had way better results.

They won’t let you talk about it though…

By they I mean the fb hags and msm

Look at their numbers.

Look at how many vaxxed people in the UK are ill.

Doesn’t make sense.

I’m more worried for all these folks who believe they are protected and “vaccinated”. —— you can still get sick. So pay attention to what those 3rd world countries did to get better!

Why did the FDA stop letting doctors give out HCQ to sick people? When so many countries reported when given early it fought off Covid when paired with 50mg of zinc and a Z pack?

I was better in 10 hours with that combination!! Was on my way back to the ER until I was saved with the meds ….

I’m pretty sure that the Delta variant isn’t the worst variant that will come from this virus and as it gets deadlier and deadlier because the idiots won’t take the vaccines available to them for free, saying among many ignorant things : “It’s not FDA approved yet”, this winter when full FDA approval is given then it’ll hopefully be too late for them to get a vaccine because we distributed the unused about to expire vaccines to other much needier countries. They’ll be crying that it’s not fair that they can’t get a free vaccine anymore. I say too bad, you had plenty of time and plenty of chances to get it, too late now, you’re on your own. If you play Russian roulette with this virus, you will lose.

It’s not that people don’t want it… people DO NOT NEED these vaccines… many people have consulted with doctors and found they have natural immunity and do not NEED two experimental v words and 3 boosters…


1) Three studies show "vaccine" provides no benefit if you already had the COVID-19 infection

The Cleveland Clinic study concludes, "individuals who have laboratory-confirmed symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination.

Previous SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination for it were associated with decreased risk for infection or re-infection with SARS-CoV-2. The was no difference in the infection incidence between vaccinated individuals and individuals with previous infection (Univ of California)

Natural infection resulting in detectable anti-spike antibodies and two vaccine doses both provide robust protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection, including against the B.1.1.7 variant. (Oxford University Hospitals)

CDC - no booster
FDA - no booster
W.H.O. - no booster

BIG PHARMA - yes booster
