Could the climate crisis mean the end of meat? Join CNN’s Bill Weir on a journey to see how innovation could bring balance to our planet and our diets. CNN Special Report – Eating Planet Earth airs Friday at 9 p.m. ET


I love steak, chicken, shrimp as much as anybody.

But soon we won’t have much of a choice. I don’t mean this year or next year but consider during Covid there was a meat shortage simply because of trade delays.

The US currently does not produce enough food to sustain itself. We literally import beef from several countries to sustain our demand.

So this idea that meat will always be a choice is naive and kind of lacks common sense. Similar to seafood. We won’t have a choice sooner or later half of all of the seafood eaten is farmed and not naturally fished anymore. If we stopped farming fish today we would have a fish shortage within days. We are always teetering on the brink of a mass shortage.

Thanks. Gulf Coast almost to the point since Hurricane Harvey made the point that flood events will be severe if they reach certain levels and initial recovering takes months and for some years. Walking on Water for 3 days in my garage and front yard made it apparent. Last week a river turtle laid eggs in my yard to make the point it is her land now... Had contractors come out the last month and check everything. No damage from Harvey I was an island by myself. It is not just the Gulf Coast but any where water streams. Insurance paid that round but we all know on the Gulf Coast when it gets to be a certain number in a 30 year period no one insures you anymore. Government does not do it Industry does. They move out of towns, they close things, and they stop doing business fully in areas as in hospital goes away, insurance goes away etc.

The Scientific Method we all learned about in 6th grade:

1. See something (observation).
2. Think about it (formulate a hypothesis).
3. Design an experiment to test your hypothesis.
4. Observe the results of your hypothesis.
5. Adjust hypothesis to fit observation.
6. Go to 3.
7. Repeat as needed.

The Scientific Method as practiced by acolytes of the Church of the Cranky Climate:

1. Observe something.
2. Formulate a hypothesis.
3. Design a model to accommodate the hypothesis.
4. Cherry pick data to fit the hypothesis.
5. Shriek DENIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when confronted with data contradicting your hypothesis.
6. Get more grants to continue making more and more models.
7. Testify before congress on the need for trillion dollar programs to take care of the crisis.
8. Go to 6.
9. Repeat until the nation is bankrupt...