President Biden joins Don Lemon CNN for a one night only event – live from Ohio. This CNN Presidential Town Hall starts tonight at 8 p.m. ET


So another words we are going to ask Racist Dementia Joe some questions but we already prepared the answers for him! All he has to do is read off the teleprompter!

Hardball questions!

Joe what’s your favorite ice-cream?

When you crap in your Depends who empties them?

Does Hunter have a favorite crack pipe?

My question would be!
Biden when you were on David Letterman you said that you broke into the Senate chamber when you were 21 and was arrested? Do you think that behavior is ok? Do you think that’s hypocritical?

Really what would we like Mr Don lemon to ask him is I remember when Mark Zuckerberg had the meetings at the white house. And I remember when the FBI came to Mark Zuckerberg and told him {wink-wink} You're going to see documents coming from Hunter biden's laptop just discount it as Russian information s You don't want to get kicked off your platform. But now we know the hundred bitings laptop has been in possession of the FBI since last year and we knew about the biden dealings in the corruption before the election but Facebook and Twitter hid that information. Twitter through off the Washington Post story on this and hid it. I want him to ask him about this video cuz Don lemon is a coward. I mean Mark Zuckerberg all but admitted that the FBI told him to suppress the story I remember watching this on C-Span.

Meanwhile, the federal debt grows more every day as Democrats propose trillions and trillions in spending.
With all these factors in mind, the House Ways and Means Committee released a report card for Biden’s economic performance, and it isn’t pretty.
The committee leaders laid out several major issues with the Biden economy:
Despite huge advantages of the re-opening economy, life-saving vaccines, and trillions in stimulus spending, President Biden created 1.4 million jobs fewer in the first six months of 2021 than President Trump did in the last six months of 2020.
The Congressional Budget Office now predicts economic growth after the sugar-high of stimulus is significantly slower under President Biden than under President Trump.
In July 2020, CBO forecast economic growth between 2023-2030 would average 2.1%. Since Biden took office, CBO has now lowered expectations to a mere 1.5% – a nearly 30% reduction in growth.The six-month outlook for the U.S. economy plunged to a five-month low of 50.8. (Reminder: it hit a 14-year high of 57 in February 2020 under the TCJA!)
Inflation has been caused by massive government spending and President Biden paying people more to stay on the couch than to return to work.
Clearly, Biden the politician has struggled to maintain the economic success of businessman and former President Donald Trump.
“For all these reasons, including his economic attack on American-made energy and proposed crippling tax hikes on workers, farmers, and Main Street businesses–the grade President Biden has earned in his six-month Economic Report Card: an ‘inflation-adjusted’ F,” the committee leaders said.

es ist wahrscheinlich, dass die Leute ihn nicht töten wollten, aber es gibt nur eine verdammte Läuse unter ihnen, die es tat, die den Mann, der für das Heilmittel giftig war, völlig ruinieren wollte. Nun, dieser Mann ist für alles verantwortlich.
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