McCarthy pulls his 5 GOP members from 1/6 committee after Pelosi rejects 2 of his picks

BREAKING: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has pulled all five of his GOP selections for the Capitol riot committee after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected two of his picks. This post has been updated.


Woman intuition she knows something is up McCarty is covering the investigation of insuraction the Republican Party is losing
They are talking about 1/6. Focus on one issue at the time
so funny then let’s talk about pandemic when corn hair was in office he did not do anything and dragging the issue and is very clear that former guest White House said clearly that he was going to fight to the end that the elección was stolen please do your research The República party is an embarrassment to the country just imagen how other countries see the United States like this country is a circus republican are clown

Everything that is going on with McCarthy's picks follows a script that anyone with an iota of intelligence could tell you was going to happen. Pick someone you know they'll reject so you can start whining about being rejected. They knew this would happen and would give them something to b**ch about. Always playing the victims...
Edit: And because they removed themselves from the process they:
- can discredit the results as partisan
- don't have to investigate members of their own party and find any wrongdoing.
Now McCarthy has announced they will form their own committee to investigate.
Like sending the fox out to the henhouse to take a head count.
I'm sure this was their plan all along.

How petty is this man? Obviously his goal was to disrupt with his picks for the Committee, now he can't have the 2 who were sure to grandstand participate so he again disrupts the business of government. Come on people! Nothing will ever get done when politicians act like children, as too many in the GOP do. Is this what your taxes pay for? Insurrection? Lack of leadership and cooperation? I am sick of it all. Every American should be. It's become totally unethical and should no longer be tolerated. Do your job supporting your constituents and finding solutions to problems; if you want to play games, quit politics and take up tennis, Disgusting!!!

Hmm , they wanted a bipartisan committee to which the Democrats agreed to the conditions they put forth in the initial motion, then they voted against it, then the Dems said ok we will still do it on our own and you are welcome to appoint 5 additional republicans to , ( something they didn't have to do but felt the importance of a bipartisan investigation) they reject 2 candidates because they were part of the big lie and voted to not uphold the constitution! So the Republican leader pulls all of them then cries its not fair and its just a sham. Ok that sounds like a 5 year old on the playground throwing a tantrum. Cant we elect better more qualified people to represent we the people.

Cry McCarthy a river. They turned down bi partisan commission. They did not recognize Capital police with an honor. Put disrupters on commission to make it a farce full knowing Republicans don’t want to continue since it was Trump supporters who committed the crimes. His BS why security wasn’t ready.. better question if such was to happen why didn’t Trump cancel the rally? Security at war level the police would not have been sufficient snd why Trump dragged his feet that day to end it all. His VP being sought to be hung. Search for Congress and Pelosi to kill or do harm. Confirm election count as in constitution disrupted and our succession of Presidency at risk . Is that the wanna be autocrat Trump true agenda?

McCarthy tried to set-up Pelosi with his five picks, three of him voted to NOT certify that Biden won and one in particular who viewed his role as being to disrupt the 1/6 committee with Trumpist lies -- the inflammatory and obnoxious Jim Jordan. The role of these three was to protect Trump, not to find the truth behind the 1/6 insurrection.

McCarthy knew Pelosi couldn't allow these disrupters on a committee seeking the truth, and when she vetoed these three, he could paint her as unfair.

So none of what McCarthy says about this is true. He sabotaged this committee on purpose in order to protect Trump. Pelosi did the right thing.

I just listened to Jim Jordan’s comments regarding what the real questions are re 1/6/21: number one being why Pelosi wasn’t prepared with enhanced security on that fateful day…..I’m not sure that Nancy Pelosi is solely responsible for capital security as well whether this is the focus of the committee, but let’s say for sake of argument she is AND that was the mission: Was she briefed prior to January 6 regarding the suspected threat? was she offered a plan in terms of security? and then did she reject said plan? The answer to all of these questions need to be yes before Nancy Pelosi could be accused of responsibility……This sounds more like deflection…..and we pay for this type of representation?

Btw....If you care to contact her and 'compliment' her on her tremendous job she's doing in the House working with the worst Administration in history with her and her constituents self-serving, hypocritical agenda...."Congresswoman Pelosi values all of the feedback from residents of the 12th Congressional District of California. The details below are the best ways to contact Congresswoman Pelosi"....Here ya go! (Maybe you should also mail her a few masks since she can't seem to follow her own state's mandated rules) - Spare me the hateful, angry name calling, emoji posting, Trump trashing and maybe find something that this abomination of an administration has done in the past 6 months to better this country without using the name 'Trump' (bet ya can't) - Our country is doomed and continues down the path of division and weakening...we are now the laughing stock to the rest of the world.

Silly republicans always trying to cover up the truth. Not sure why they worry so much the clowns that support their nonsense don’t care about the truth anyway. Look McCarthy comes up with the excuse now that it’s one sided yet when he had the opportunity to support an independent investigation that neither party would control he turned that down as well so it’s obvious he just doesn’t want the truth to be exposed that his party supports terrorists acts against the United States of America and to protect those who excite them. Wake up America it’s easy to see the direction they want to take you down you have the power to stop them just Vote!!!!

10ºExcellent show of wisdom and strength. McCarthy was not serious with his submission - he was just acting on the direction of the pos he consulted with last week... Pelosi called his bluff. Jordan is a disgusting less than and both are likely under investigation as part of this. It is beyond despicable that the Republicans (aside from Cheney) have refused to step up aggressively to investigate, punish and ensure prevention in the future of this violent insurrection by deplorables (domestic terrorists, white supremacists, maggats) aimed at preventing the democratic process and preserving a tyrant who LOST and which targetted the honorable men and women who protect our capital (law enforcement) and broke all kinds of laws. How could they fail their oath so fully. it is unfathomable. Way to go Speaker Pelosi! Thank you!