Red and processed meat linked to heart disease, mega study says

Eating beef, lamb, pork and processed meats will increase your risk of coronary heart disease later in life, according to a new meta-analysis of studies on over 1.4 million people who were followed for 30 years.


That's why I like domesticated chickens ,with domesticated cows meat to top it wild game meat is the best for me,when it comes to antelope's.This fellas feed on the natural feeds nature provided ,no stimuting growth ccompents of chemicals added to boost their growth hormones because of huge need by abotors culling .I've done Livestock Farming and Citrus​ Farming​ at school this did enlightenment yrz ago.Broilers and layers use a great spun of hyper feeds including beef cattles the cycle to maturity is shortened because of the booster feeds this animals consume.And to be precise on this where exactly this chemicals ends what exactly it does to consumers around the globe .This has even taken Agriculture to another level even in vegetables,the more chems we use destroy the soil,which ever if w were using manure only and compost we would have grown absolutely fantastic vegetables.

This is simply not true lol... Red meat won't hurt you and most processed meats won't either. For decades heart specialist had it all wrong limiting the diet of someone who had a heart attack. They have reversed many of their flawed conclusions. You all never report much facts . That's all part of the plan to get people to eat fake meat and to stop eating beef and pork to not harm the environment in some way. Ranks up there with the silly methane gas cows produce that's contributing to global warming lies. Keep eating redmeat it's actually good for your heart not bad .

Not in moderation it doesn’t...
We’ve come a long way from when man/woman began.. and from those beginnings they ate meat...

To add another fact/ factor to the above named condition.... processed foods ‘general’ as all food stuffs are processed in one form or another... these too contribute to conditions that people suffer from, it’s not all about the meat....
Why don’t CNN and other media outlets and those that undertake such studies, why don’t they highlight those food items, with added this and added that, with a little of this and a little of that to enhance flavour, prolong shelf life etc etc... It ALL factors in with such conditions..

New King James Version 1 Timothy 4:1-5 The Great Apostasy Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
Amplified Bible
who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from [certain kinds of] foods which God has created to be gratefully shared by those who believe and have [a clear] knowledge of the truth.

Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

I will argue that genetics plays a very major role. I am of Italian descent (both sides - Swiss Alps and Naples). I consume lots and lots of pasta, mostly with crushed canned Italian tomatoes and with only fresh cut garlic or onions added. When I do eat meat (mostly chicken or hamburger or occasionally fish), it's always a small serving, with veggies (including potato), pasta and canned fruit supplementing my meal. But, I'll confess that I occasionally enjoy a McDonalds "Quarter Pounder" hamburger with medium fries or a Taco Bell "Nachos Bell Grande" as an alternative to home cooking! Before each and every dinner (even if it's fast food), I have a large serving of various salad greens, always with olive oil, Balsamic vinegar and lots of fresh cut garlic. I have an enormous sweet tooth. After every meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner), I have either cake, pie, cookies, ice cream, pudding or chocolate candy. I have a great appetite in mornings. It's either egg (sometimes with one strip of bacon), various buttered breads, grapes or strawberries at the side, followed by a small bowl of cold cereal in milk (doused with lots of sugar) and, for desert, always cake, or pie or cookies along with coffee (decaf) or tea or cocoa. Sometimes, I'll skip the egg and have instant oatmeal with bits of strawberry and blueberry already in it - I'll just add sugar - and a Pop Tart at the side to fill me up (and then desert afterwards). My cholesterol ratio and blood pressure are normal (actually, occasionally, my blood pressure is a bit too low - recently 86/58). I am an older guy who has always been lean with no known serious health issues. Again, I believe it's about 90% genes and the remaining 10% diet.

Mass arrest of ethnic Tigrayans in major Ethiopian cities by the Ethiopian government continues as a wave of ethnic profiling campaign by security forces detaining Tigrayans from all walks of life. Tigrayan businesses continue to be shut down and all bank accounts of in Tigray are frozen. Tigray remains blocked from electricity, internet and banking service and humanitarian aid roads remain blocked. The Ethiopian government continues intensifying hate speech against ethnic Tigrayans publicly using dehumanizing terms like 'cancers', 'invasive weeds' that need to be eliminated through its high ranking leaders and public media. The world should be warned a second Rwanda of state led genocide is underway!

CNN this is false. “CHOLESTEROL DOES NOT CAUSE CORONARY HEART DISEASE “Why because the body make 80% of cholesterol already therefore it is not the meat or butter . Trans fats and process anything are deadly because increases inflammation, insulin resistant and type 2 diabetes plays a major role in coronary heart disease which will affect the endothelial lining . When the endothelial lining is inflamed the body will try to heal it with the cholesterol that is producing . Also PUFAs “ Polyunsaturated fats, UFAs “ Ultraunsaturated fats , omega 3 which will cause lipofuscin and increase oxidative stress to the mitochondria and the endothelial lining PLUS EXESS CARBOHYDRATES ARE A BUG ISSUE Lack of Vitamin K2 MK 7 , CoQ10 Magnesium , Vitamin E , Lack of exercise and life changing is the deadly killer. Grass fed meat, grass fed butter, milk cheeses fruit and vegetable are the key. STOP
