Passengers trapped inside submerged subway as deadly floods sweep central China

At least 12 people have been confirmed dead in Zhengzhou


Some thinking
(1) As long as you put brain-control wave guns in the United States, you can grab all the wealth. China has robbed for 40 years there, We can also go to there.
(2) "Whether to perish China and Chinese by force" is the standard for judging good or bad people.
(3) The only way for get U.S. complete help is that Taiwan win China in war itself. And then icing on the cake.
(4) Arts are from labor and sports, or “only from labor”.
(5) Someone's artistic level is determined by his sports height.
(6) Westners thinking still be in immutable model and system. Now the system has been perished,but the thinking is still in the immutable model. So they didn’t act in the face of big sins,so Marx emphasized that the bourgeoisie must have a subjective initiative when they're in dying.
(7) The role of policy is so great! For example Obama and Biden destroyed U.S. politics, economy, culture, spirit, race, and system, Only a few policies were used for each of them.
( In 1980s China only had Dr. Kissinger and President Carter, so China rules US now; in 1990s China only used Feng xiao gang, so American arts, race, spirit, and system are perished; Today Andrew-yang, Chen qi mai and Chloé Zhao are same roles, must be killed.
(9) In human society, only guns are useful, propaganda are also guns, there are only two type of guns. Now the people all over the worno only have "propaganda" one weapon, china and its running dogs have better real guns.
