Man flees Australian Covid quarantine using a bed sheet

A 39-year-old man allegedly used a rope made from bed sheets to shimmy down from a fourth floor hotel room and flee Australian quarantine, police said.


I see a few genius Americans have posted some ignorant comments about Australia., Some saying Australia hasn't contributed anything to the World in terms of Technology etc:
Well to them;..
"Black Boxes" in Planes.
The "Tank"., (yes that's right, the Tank, that thing on Tracks that shoots projectiles.)
Cancer Vaccines.
Many things invented or developed in other Countries were so by Australians or those educated in Australia, that moved to those Countries.
Now for the biggie, if it wasn't for Australia, nobody outside of "Asia" would know what China get's up to.
The USA had no idea on how to fight "Jungle Warfare" until the Australian Military taught them how., Australia has "contirbuted" to the World many things.!
Now on to COVID & Vaccines, the only reason Australia is now falling behind is because of the right wing religious twat that is our Prime Minister whom decided to ignore all the "Science" then rely on "thoughts & prayers" & stuck all our 'Vaccine Eggs' into the 'Astra Zeneca Basket'.
