California synagogue shooter to spend life in prison without the possibility of parole as part of guilty plea

John T. Earnest will spend the rest of his life in prison without the possibility of parole after pleading guilty to murder and attempted murder in the deadly 2019 shooting at a Southern California synagogue, as part of a plea agreement that will spare him from the death penalty.


People Kill People as to the three thousand Black men murdered by other Black men in Chicago in the past five years with no coverage of them by The White Privilege Progressive media yet they focus on this one case.

Cigarettes Kill people directly and indirectly more then gun violence every year yet in a White Progressive Utopian Woke World , no one is suing the tobacco manufacturers for their death and you know why?

Every state for the short term goal received billions in a lawsuit from them on the premise they won’t sue a more and as in California they are still making millions in tax revenues.

Now do you hear or see any Progressive Socialist demanding to ban cigarettes or Coke A Cola product the kill thousands in contributing to diabetes and in pay the Black population.

Clearly how they expose their Hypocrisy.
