Analysis: This Republican wants an independent commission to study January 6. Who wants to tell him?

Who wants to tell him? Analysis by Chris Cillizza


A real investigation will find that Pelosi ordered Antifa to storm the Capital to make Trump look bad. Her mistake was that Trump was still at his rally miles away when Antifa stormed the Capital. She prepared speeches ahead of time for all Democrats and they read them on January 6 right after Antifa stormed the Capital. Those speeches had insurrection in them. 300,000 Democrats read those speeches. They don't know what insurrection means. She used that word to label that day. She had Antifa bused in on George Soros buses painted with Black Lives Matter painted on the side. Pelosi needs to be locked up. The video shows black outfits and backpacks. That's Antifa's uniforms. They had Trump hats and waved American flags that they usually burn to trick you. 600 arrested and 546 were Antifa. The truth will come out. This investigation is to hide Biden's open borders and helping Terrorist and Communist countries fir the New World Order takeover of the United States of America. Where are Democrats going to live? ??? Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia.

The first "commission" on the subject was already corrupted when it was formed. That was all part of the plan of taking control of the U.S. government from within to begin with. This coup took decades to plan and implement.
Hey Chris Cillizza, what you analyze are ways to cover what is actually going on by writing commentary against it. And Cable News Network knows this and pays you to write this crap. This is all called propaganda mechanisms. January 6th was a successful coup from within on the U.S. government. Prove that wrong, prove that Biden actually has control of his faculties and is Not being swayed by individuals around him. Prove that he is not a puppet. Until you can, there will Always be push back on what you keep spewing in your articles.

For six months witchy witch Pelosi has played nothing but politics with January 6th. The Senate already had two bipartisan commissions who investigated January 6th and already put out public reports. The Capitol Police and the FBI new on December 14th there was going to be a problem. The people in charge of parking around the capital knew more about what was going to take place in the Capitol than the Capitol Police. The National Guard were already in Washington DC and they were not allowed on the capitol grounds. I wonder why? They actually did use the National Guard to direct traffic and parking instead of being at the Capitol. Who made that decision to not allow them to protect the Capitol? Funny thing is, Nancy Pelosi's in charge of Capital Security. No wonder she does not want hard line questioners from the Republican party to participate in the committee. Pelosi is EVIL!

FBI informants had bigger role in Whitmer kidnap plot than thought: report.
Members of an anti-government group accused of hatching a plan to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer claim they were set up by more than a dozen FBI agents who had infiltrated the organization and played a key role in the plot, according to a new report. Newly uncovered evidence shows undercover FBI agents were also part of the inner workings of the January 6th so-called insurrection. Stay tuned for that breaking news.

Seeing how hard the Republican party is trying everything to not have a investigation it's clear they are trying to protect trump and any other Republican responsible for their part in the January 6th Capitol insurrection! And what's even more interesting is when the committee find that trump was responsible the Republican party is going to call it bias because it's a Democrat only investigation excluding Liz Cheney and even when liz Cheney the third highest ranking republican in the party says trump was involved she and the Democrats would be lying! The Republican party showed they are scared to have January 6th fully investigated that's why they knocked down the 9/11 style commission investigation until the January 6th Capital attack! So Nancy Pelosi still trying to work with the republican party said I want Republicans to be on this committee you were thier to on January 6th and you were also fearful of your life so let's investigate who made us fearful for our lives January 6th and ask liz Cheney to be on the committee she was one of those Republicans there that day and Kevin McCarthy was there and all Nancy Pelosi ask was that you put Republicans on the committee that has the full extent of investigating truthfully and honorably and two of McCarthy picks goes against that!
