Biden officials shift to an urgent tone as Covid-19 fight enters troubling new phase

Biden administration officials acknowledged Thursday the pandemic that appeared to be waning a month ago has entered a new, troubling phase.


The CNN Town Hall was a laughable Farce and Don Lemon did not do himself any favors by hosting it though everyone knows he is a Phony Journalist. You had to have a Masters Degree in Biden foreign language to understand what the Fool was saying. I knew you were out of it, but I did not know how far. You actually can say with a straight face that the performance of this Clown Biden is his Decathlon event and is the reason he beat President Trump. If you believe that then you are as senile as is the Con Artist Biden.

First mistake is believing that Biden won the election. He and the Democrat Party aka the Party of Karl Marx along with the do nothing Supreme Court stole it and everyone with common sense knows it. Why is it that the most popular individual to have ever run for the Presidency is unable to fill a parking lot or even show up for a Town Hall? Biden is supposed to have received over 80 million legal votes. That makes him more popular than Marxist Obama. Where are his supporters when he makes appearances? I know. They have all returned to their graves only to reappear in 2022. Then they will be required to show an ID to vote.

Blame is on the Republicans and right wing talk show personalities (Fox) for their rhetoric against masks and the vaccine. It is a turning point because we are going backwards, because of this constant rhetoric, telling people not to wear masks not to get vaccinated (it is your right to chose to die). Florida, Missouri, Alabama, (Republican states) there hospitals are filled with very sick and unvaccinated people dying. The Republican sham of coming out now with their announcements for the vaccine is too late because we are right back where we started with the spread growing all because of politics.

I read elsewhere a comment that referred to those who are not and will not get vaccinated as PLAGUE RATS. Although it’s cruel and demeaning, I found it quite accurate in a scientific way. Mutations of this corona virus will inevitably morph, getting stronger and exceed the performance of the current vaccines. So, to you ‘plague rats’, it’s not over by any means. The heat of summer 2020 didn’t kill it, nor summer of 2021. No thanks to you, it might even kill you and those who blindly follow your misinformed beliefs, before the summer of 2022. Way to go, plague rats, we won’t be seeing the end of this pandemic anytime soon … thanks to you!

This has an easy solution! The incentives don't work well! No sports ticket, lottery chances or college grants! It has nothing to do with a persons rights or fears. Are you listening yet?

The vaccinations are paid for by the government. The treatment for covid is covered by the government or private insurance. Simply announce a date, a couple of months down the road, at which time covid vaccination and treatment becomes the financial responsibility of the patient! No insurance is required to cover covid illnes and the government pays for nothing.

If anyone really believes that it's fake or that the vaccine is bad .. it's their gamble! If you firmly believe it's a fake and a hoax, fine. Any surplus vaccine left after the announced date, send it abroad where it will be genuinely appreciated!

Yet while he's warning Americans and begging to get vaccinate He's allowing this!! 1,119,204 Illegal crossing in the last 7 months!!!

Question Biden
If you're so concerned about Americans not getting vaccinate, Why are you allowing hundreds of unvaccinated, covid positive illegals to not only enter our country, then you are transporting them throughout our country, into our neighborhoods!! You're a walking, talking, contradiction!

1,119,204!!. We are on course to over 2M enter by the end of the year. That population is bigger than a lot of cities in the US!

Texas and Arizona are on their knees begging for help from our President , just to be ignored. So much so that other States are stepping in to help sending law enforcements from their States. Texas is building their own wall. This is outrageous!

1000's have been reported to have tested positive for covid. Roughly 30 percent have refused the coronavirus vaccine then they are placed on a bus/plane, covid positive, unvaccinated and transported throughout our country into our neighborhoods without our knowledge and told to quarantine, However no one actually checks to see if they do quarantine. Why? The Biden administration has NO IDEA where they go once off transport.

Biden is an absolute disgrace and humiliation to this country!!

American Civil Liberties Union recently wrote to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

Dear Secretary Mayorkas and Acting Director Johnson:

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention centers have been among the most dangerous places in the United States. COVID-19 infection rates in ICE detention are 20 times higher that of the general population, and five times greater than in prisons.1COVID-19 outbreaks in ICE detention have also led to the rapid spread of the virus in surrounding communities, so that ICE has been labeled by many a “superspreader agency.”2As of May 26, 2021, over 15,000 immigration detainees have been infected with COVID-19, and at least nine have died after contracting COVID-19


And who owns the media that supports these paid liars that were not even middle of their class? People got short memories That virus (covid-19) has a 97%+ survival rate before any vaccine came out, meaning only about 3% might possibly need a vaccine, IF they are high risk or have autoimmune disorders, It is so important to find that out for each individual before you suggest someone get a vaccine because a person that does not require one might have some really bad side affects. If you have any worries go get tested and if you need it get the vaccine because some people really need it and 97% of the world never will, My experience is if you are healthy and already had covid or have O type blood and no health problems you want to do it naturally, I beat it in three days no lingering affects no meds only vitamins and herbals and being clean. Wore a mask until I got the covid and realized it was a scam, the science indicates the covid-19 passes right through almost every mask people use and not only that it creates the perfect environment inside of ones lungs to breed sickness.
