Afghan interpreter for US Army was beheaded by Taliban. Others fear they will be hunted down too

Sohail Pardis was one of thousands of Afghan interpreters who worked for the US military and now face persecution by the Taliban, as the group gains control of wider swaths of the country.


It is ridiculous that the US with population of 335 million people can’t let in couple of thousand Afghani interpreters who had risked their lives during the war for the US interest in Afghanistan and now are abandoned and getting beheaded by Taliban.

US allows to immigrate some specific ethnic groups in droves, but creates artificial barriers for any Muslim who wants to emigrate to the US.

If anything, take those slots from that senseless Diversity Green Card Lottery administered by the State Department and give it to these poor folks, but don’t leave them to die. Otherwise next time US comes somewhere, no one will work for the Americans.

Enough helping them is there problems ,because people in that country a middle people / interpreters will not save the military troop they give to there enemy to save there lives too.. hope this is a lesson to understand,same things with other country who asking help to solved there own conflict , give the responsibility to there own military .. give them supplies they need if you have but not your own military will go there should realize isolated area even they own government can’t solve it , now closed enough to considered dead end for those who go to that country .. prayers only will help now..

One of the statements said “long visa process” why would other countries act like safe heaven when USCIS can do a special expedite process to get these folks out of arms way. They waited until this poor man’s death. Clear testament that US doesn’t care. If they did, they would have expedited this process and gotten them safe. Are they waiting by prolonging the visa so these folks will eventually get killed. If we went to war and seemed help from natives of that country it is our right to protect them regardless of their citizenship status. That is the humane way of doing things not pawning them to safe heaven countries.

Help is good for 3 years but not decade means it’s hopeless, no trade will stop .. no peace talk will settle , NATO military troops AND specially US troops who so dedicated helping ,should leave them alone and forget putting there own military lives to solve other country conflict .. let there own government will handle it .. you give them more reason to do bad because You seems interferes and those middle people ,messenger or interpreter has two faces you can’t own there loyalty because they have family will be in danger too so they surely will be a traitor .. don’t even understand the language and you think you can solve there conflict ..

One lesson the US have to learn from the Afghanistan experience is never to try to install a model democratic government on a barbaric country. It will never work. What would have help deal with the unprovoked 9/11 attack is a no holds barred all out bombing of Al Qaida and Taliban out of existence and ignore all the expected world wide outrage which would have been muted anyway
Trying to play the angry but nice guy just does not pay in this world
It's usually taken for weakness
All the panicking of leaving no one behind would have been unnecessary
There would be no Taliban left

What a tragedy and waste of billions of dollars with no effect at all (I feel sorry for tax payers). We failed to learn the lessons of Vietnam. We don't realized and tend to underestimate others because they don't have the sophisticated weaponry we have. We think that we can beat the hell out of them into submission by force instead of diplomacy.

Afghanistan has been the graveyard of many empires.

Occupying and administering Afghanistan is a herculean task that few empires have ever had success with. The Greeks and Romans failed to control them long time ago. England and Russia were the last ones to be humiliated and the United State has join the list of countries that failed to manage this country.

The United States fled the war in the dark of night. She abandoned her friends and allies. American championships do not exist except through Hollywood films and action. More defeats All her wars turned into defeats. Billions of taxpayer pockets are used. American children are used to protect the interests of private persons and companies. After defeat, the adults share the secret spoils. While the war bills are presented to the people as a kind of justification. The media drug begins to brainwash. Turn defeat into victory. The justification of the war was that it was to protect children and women. Where was this conscience when the United States dropped nuclear bombs on tens of thousands of innocent people? Where was this conscience and the hundreds of detainees in Guantanamo and other secret prisons. They were tortured and held for twenty years without trial. Where is the human conscience and thousands of children are killed every day by American weapons and planes. It's global hypocrisy

All game is by USA if they want the Taliban will be finished in few hours .. The truth is that America want to have a virus as Taliban in the region to have a reason to stay in Middle East instead of Iran and Russia. Do you know that?
In the past 45 years ago they sent Mujaheddin to fight the Afghan government Why? What was wrong? Who sent Osama Bin Ladin to Pakistan to fight Afghan government with Mujaheddin? USA !!! Who killed him? USA!!! Double game? Who created Taliban? Pakistan !!! Who is back Pakistan ? USA !!!! Double game So weak up people and know the reality...

I can't help but speak. How is it that the Taliban wiyhout the aid of Americans air force and MARINES and most of European allies wins? Who supplies them with endless weapons? WHO? My theory ialways has been that if we had funnelled our umpteen billions of dollars T0 AFGHAN WOMEN ONLY.. . NOTHING TO THE MEN, then we would have seen a different outcome. we could not have been dunmmer giving it to men.I repeat. . . if we had funnelled our umpteen billions of dollars T0 AFGHAN WOMEN ONLY.. . NOTHING TO THE MEN, then we would have seen a different outcome. we could not have been dunmmer giving it to men.

10ºThat's Joe's Presidency!! Destabilizing the Middle East. Who is going to send us to war???? What was that name again??? The guy who was going to start WW3. Joe Biden is the worst President we've had in a long time. By the way. The guy lied about how Wallstreet told him his two packages won't cause more inflation. Joe's going to heat everything back up. No worries. He lied during his pathetic town hall. He said Wallstreet informed him his spending won't cause more inflation. The report issued by Moody’s Analytics on Wednesday downplayed inflation dangers but did not claim passing the so-called bipartisan $600 billion infrastructure plan and the $3.5 trillion Democrat-only plan would reduce inflation. By the way. Moody's is left wing.
