Jamie Lee Curtis says her daughter is transgender

Jamie Lee Curtis has proudly shared for the first time that her younger child is a transgender woman.



It continues to blow my mind the amount of “who cares” responses on these posts. Clearly, you people must care SOMEWHAT to take time out of your day to comment on a post you “don’t” care about. Let me tell you why this is important and why it matters:

More than 1 in 4 transgendered people have attempted suicide. 9 in 10 have thought about it. Why? Many reasons, but a big one being that they are still being discriminated upon by a majority of people in this country today. They are teased, ridiculed, misunderstood, lonely, etc., I can’t even imagine how they feel.

So, if why do we care if Jamie Lee Curtis child comes out as transgender? Because she is a positive role model to a lot of youth out there and adults who grew up watching her movies. Her announcing this and that she supports and loves her daughter through this could inspire and maybe make a transgender human that might be struggling feel a little better tonight. This shows acceptance and love. NOT INTOLERANCE AND HATE.

That’s why we care. If you don’t, simply keep scrolling.

Imagine doing all this work to make it easier for ur children to carry on the family name just for them to essentially to announce they will not be carrying on the family name.

Like literally beyond adoption your bloodline will end.

Between homosexuality and many women simply choosing not to want kids I wonder if there will be a day where there is a serious population deficit. From what I understand there is already a birthing deficit which again doesn’t surprise me givin the increasing acceptance of homosexuality

Not an anti gay post, jus in my slightly scientific opinion homosexuals are less likely to conceive children beyond some expensive serogate program that most average people cant afford.

At 53, I'm from perhaps the last generation that grew up without ever hearing of gender "fluidity", etc., so I have questions: How did society's understanding of human sexuality literally turn on its head in just the last few years? This wasn't a gradual shift in our understanding of human sexuality. One day men were men, women were women...then BOOM! Gender suddenly became nothing more than a construct?!? Very strange. Also, why the angry, aggressive, and militant attitudes towards those who are having difficulty accepting or adapting to this new "normal"? Also, how do you handle the roughly 4.5 billion people around the world who will NEVER embrace or celebrate transgenderism or the LGBTQ movement due to their deeply held religious beliefs? Christians, Jews, and Muslims have many theological differences, but they are united in their opposition to anything that goes against the natural order or that which is taught in the Holy Bible, the Tanakh, and the Quran.

Just because everyone is all for it, will never make it right- if animals in their lack of common sense will never doubt their genda,males will never be attracted to females & vice versa- be sure human beings have lost their sense of humanity by thinking that these transitions are ok- it's not NORMAL & it's not ok.you who advocate for such,begin advocating for HUMANITY coz our humanity is under attack-i know very well that it's an evil attack on all of us & one day,everyone who supports this evil will PAY A HEAVY PRICE- if not now,IN THE AFTER LIFE(no apologies whatsoever)- I curse that demon of transgender & LGBT in JESUS MIGHTY NAME- far from me & far from my generations... hallelujah Jesus

Could children experience this as phases? Like they are tired of being a girl and want to be a boy to play with boy toys? Parents should ask their child if they truly want to be trans, because the world will be a more challenge living like that. Not just accept it. If the child keeps on insisting over a long time it is trans, it is not a phase the discussion should be halted. Then there is no way back. This is how you responsibly handle this. Children are sometimes too young to understand consequences. Gender swap are pretty serious stuff. It sets the identity for the rest of the life.
Oh, and support your child anyways. Just remember to discuss it.
