Biden says potentially facing Trump in 2024 only increases his desire to run for reelection

President Joe Biden once again said he intends to run for reelection in 2024, though he left a little wiggle room in his answer.


My hope when I voted for Biden was to get the anti American trump out of office and see Biden hopefully repair the damage he caused. Course the republicans are fighting tooth and nail on that but Biden is doing what he can.

But that’s all I wanted from biden: one term to fix some of the damage. We need a younger person as president who is able lead and inspire all Americans. A democrat preferably but if the republicans can give us a worthy candidate (that’s NOT a trump republican) I will consider him/her.

Bottom line: Trump did damage to America like no president and it will many years and a good leader(s) to fix it.

C n n and the Democrats and Joe Biden are scared to death that Trump will run for president. And the reason is simple. Joe Biden is a disgrace of a human being as a leader and as an American he has turned his back on everybody. All you have to do is turn on a news channel and see how the country is in despair. I'm just going to stick with one subject that he is ignored over and over again the southern border. People have died over his lack of leadership a lot of Americans are suffering the violence the drugs and the list goes on. This isn't the debate it's reality. He needs to stop blaming everybody else for the problem at the border and fix it. He is just totally useless can you imagine the next 3 years with this man in office

So a former president earns 207k a year after leaving office, plus other monies. Does that amount double if they do two terms? If not, why bother? You get your lifetime money, you get all the prestige and opportunities to make a whole lot more as a former President, and no stress any more. And all it required as to hold a job for four years. Most people have to work a job for 20 years for a pension and it’s still not even close to that much a year.

If he does run again I hope he seriously considers swapping out his choice for VP.

No Biden, no Trump in 2024! Does anybody realize that both of these men are going to be almost 80 years old!? They are done! Get them out! A man in this country has to retire from working at his desk at 65 yet we are going to let these two elderly, weak, selfish, nutjobs run again?! Has this country become the laziest bunch of Dum Dums that we can't pick someone younger, someone with with a bigger vocabulary than "fake, beautiful, wonderful" or pick somebody that can form a whole sentence without falling asleep. Someone to look up to, someone with a little class for crying out loud. Biden and Trump probably take more pills for their health and they don't know what the ingredients are, yet half of you people are scared of one shot. Get the old fogies out!

Please do … Biden won’t make it thru this term , much less run again.if you people think this Senile fool is coherent, or able to conduct a serious conversation- get you some help. He is a total Coward- will not answer tquestions unless he has a cheat sheet,”Claims” he was going to stop the virus- total joke-
And to top it off, walked into the office with 3 vaccines handed to him, NEVER gave any credit to President Trump… secure border, and energy independence but…. just like you liberals- just pure hate because he is Donald Trump..maybe you are the sheep for total govt control…

Let's See.....Southern Border Wide Open/Down Economy/Inflation UP/Gas Prices Up/Empty Shelves/Kills Jobs Here With Pipeline,But Gives Putin A Waver For His Pipeline/ Can't Answer Simple Questions/No Press Conferences/Lowest Approval Rate/ Checks His Watch During Memorial Services For Fallen Soldiers Thanks To Him/Sleeps During Meetings In Scotland/Zero Energy.....(I Can Go On & On), And This Incoherent Idiot Wants To Run Again???..... Only Way He'll Win Is If Democrats Cheat, AGAIN!!

Anyone Who Believes He Got More Votes Than Anyone In History,I Own The Brooklyn Bridge And Its Up For Sale, Discount If You Buy Both That, And My Other Bridge, The Verrazano!!

Biden is on pace to becoming the first Democrat president since Jimmy Carter to lose reelection and by the way this is coming from a Democrat who voted for him in 2020. I’m just a realist and I see the writing on the wall. Biden has come up short on a lot of the promises that he made while campaigning. Still no police reform, no 10k in student loan cancellation like he said he would, and don’t get me started on how Manchin made Biden look like a complete fool by going back on his word to pass the BBB bill after his infrastructure bill was passed. Biden better come out swinging in 2022 if he wants to turn his presidency around.

Trump destroyed Isis with Biden they are coming back , Trump made USA oil independent for the first time in history bring the oil barrel price to -$38 the lower in history with Biden we are back depending of OPEC that is why gas prices are so High , Biden stopped fracking oil , Trump had Putin in check today Putin is surrounding Ukraine forcing Biden to remove all the sanctions that Trump established against Russia or Putin will take over Ukraine like he did during Obama’s presidency when he took Crimea and Georgia , with Trump the economy was growing fast super fast with Biden we have the biggest inflation in history

Please do! Biden is an idiot. Staff member has Covid so Biden gets tested. He then walks into a room with reporters. Reporters ask him about it and he tells them I just got tested before walking in here. So the reporters ask him what was the result and he said I don’t know yet because it didn’t come back. So this moron walked into the room with reporters without knowing if he was infected. Yet he’s dictating to everyone else how to go about their lives. All of you who voted for him should feel proud. He’s doing one hell of a job.

10ºNot a fan of neither one of these guys, Joe Biden I still hold that 1994 crime bill over your head, Donald Trump abandoned the country in a middle of a pandemic trying to overturn the election and destroy the country democracy, as much as I don’t like Joe Biden most definitely I will vote for him again I can’t vote for Donald Trump for the fact of how he promote lies, don’t get me wrong the Democrats are no better than Republicans its
just the Republicans are just a bunch of big liars, I’m just going to put it to you all this way both sides lies And that is a fact.
