Latinos still scrambling due to Covid-19 in New Jersey are on high alert over Omicron

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the virus has battered the Latino community in New Jersey, disproportionally killing men under 50 and amplifying existing financial challenges.


Anti-Vaxxer Wears A Red Thong As Mask Aboard A Flight

Flight Attendant: “Sir, you were wearing a proper face mask when you boarded the flight. Now you wear something else which isn’t a mask. Please wear a face mask.”

Anti-Vax-Passenger: “This is my girlfriend's red thong which doubles up as my face mask. You know, it's a nice hack. My wife and I hack it pretty well.”

[Another passenger chimes in.]

Pro-Vax-Passenger: “Hey, is your girlfriend wearing your underwear as a facemask, huh?”

Anti-Vax-Passenger: [feels hacked-off and grounded]: “Er…ugh…er…”

Get Vaccinated | Wear a Mask | Social Distance | Straighten Up And ‘Fly’ Right
