What to do when those around you are not wearing masks? An expert weighs in about Christmas travel

A health expert is offering advice for those planning to visit loved ones for Christmas, given the surge in Covid-19 cases in many parts of the country.



Masks will not prevent the spread, and those who have been vaccinated and even boostered, just like the unvaccinated, can still expect to encounter the virus and likely, but not certainly, experience symptoms. What can you do? Among other things, a short list is;
You can be prepared to treat with over-the-counter medicines and supplements. Make sure you are taking vitamin d, zinc and mineral supplements, one aspirin per day, hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin if you can get them, Benadryl if you get any congestion in your chest, and if you sweat at night profusely, make sure you are staying hydrated with electrolyte drinks.
Watch for signs of dehydration and pneumonia. If you get these, go to an urgent care facility. Then, express your outrage at Frankenfauci and the Communist Chinese who deliberately unleash this upon the world. Then, also express your outrage that politicians would have intervened to prevent or make it very difficult for you to receive ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

Clowns !!! 's !!! Biden, Fraudci, & lib bias media OVER HYPED the Omicron before any science and facts !!! Tune out these clown and their fear tactic to control the American people with mandates. The Omicron Variant reportedly has mild symptoms like soreness and exhaustion. The same thing you'd feel after a hard days work...No wonder Libs are terrified of it ! The S African who discovered it even said it was mild and have zero death's. Remember all the pundits and Democrats proclaiming that Trump had “killed” 400,000 Americans? Will Chris Hayes and Kamala Harris blame Biden for “mass slaughter” now that he has presided over even more deaths? Or even the 200,000 since Biden’s “Mission Accomplished” speech? Failing that, will they at least acknowledge they were wrong to blame Trump for America’s suffering much the same fate as comparable nations? Will they at least say, “I’m sorry”?

Under Dr. Fauci’s leadership, the allergic, autoimmune, and chronic illnesses which Congress specifically charged NIAID to investigate and prevent, have mushroomed to afflict 54 percent of children, up from 12.8 percent when he took over NIAID in 1984.

“Dr. Fauci has offered no explanation as to why allergic diseases like asthma, eczema, food allergies, allergic rhinitis, and anaphylaxis suddenly exploded beginning in 1989, five years after he came to power.

“On its website, NIAID boasts that autoimmune disease is one of the agency’s top priorities. Some 80 autoimmune diseases, including juvenile diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, Graves’ disease, and Crohn’s disease, which were practically unknown prior to 1984, suddenly became epidemic under his watch.

“Autism, which many scientists now consider an autoimmune disease, exploded from between 2/10,000 and 4/10,000 Americans when Tony Fauci joined NIAID, to one in thirty-four today.

“Neurological diseases like ADD/ADHD, speech and sleep disorders, narcolepsy, facial tics, and Tourette’s syndrome have become commonplace in American children

Once in the train, the man had a mask on his face, but not wearing it properly to cover his mouth and nose. I asked him to put it up, he fights me, and yelling to everyone. Luckily, the train stops in the station, and doors were opened, and people had a chance to get out. I ran quickly, I don't know what happened next. That was terrible. When I see them again without mask, I just have to walk farther or get out of the city transit and wait for the next transit. These people have no manners and want everyone to get their diseases from their breathe. That's why COVID-19 is spreading fast because of these idiots. Nothing we can do.

According to the latest CDC recommendations, if you are fully vaccinated and have had at least ONE booster (more are recommended), you should seal a ziplock bag completely over your head, and around your neck with duct tape. If you are unvaccinated (and a citizen of the United States), nothing matters because whatever happens, it is YOUR fault. If, on the other hand, you are not a citizen, and here illegally, celebrate all you want as you are immune from any disease and restrictions whatsoever. Follow the science!

Note: for the democrats and Facebook "experts" who lack the ability to comprehend English, but are slaves to blind ideology, THE ABOVE IS HYPERBOLE MIXED WITH SATIRE (Look it up!).

OMG the IGNORANCE of too many Americans is really SCARY! The only good news is that they may die, doing us all a favor. How sad that their ignorance and arrogance will lead to that...But what is sadder is that they will end up murdering many others. They are behaving like entitled people that do not live in a shared society. Get vaccinated and a booster, wear 2 masks when in public or around any other people. Stay away from others not wearing masks or who are unvaccinated. It's really not hard......The rest of the world is doing this and it works....

“meine Tochter und meine Enkel
“Ich werde alles erklären, wenn er
die Schule nicht beenden kann️“
“Schuldig Alle Schullehrer und
Schuldig Alle Englischlehrer,? und
“Schuldig Alle Schullehrer Für?“)

Düsseldorf- Rath- MANNESMANN-
“Kinder in Schulen Psychischer Druck
Versucht, Verbrechen zu begehen️->
Düsseldorf Rath MANNESMANN
Mafia Organisation Firme PERSONEN

“INTERNATIONAL Kraftvoll Mafia
Organisation Düsseldorf Rath MANNESMANN Firme Kraftvoll
Personen mit hoher Hoch Autorität
Schuldig Personen, FÜR DİESE FIRME,
Düsseldorf Rath MANNESMANN
Mafia- Organisation FIRME️“
“Öffentliche Rechtsstreitigkeiten.“
“Ich beantrage,
Ich melde eine Beschwerde,
Ich Berichte den Strafanzeige.“)

“Düsseldorf Rath Mafia-Organisation
MANNESMANN Firme Schuldige Person
Kraftvoll Personen Mafia- Organisation Psychopathie mit hoher Hoch Autorität Personen. Entschädigungsgeld? 20 Millionen Euro Geld! werde liefern Ich möchten?, Düsseldorf-Rath MANNESMANN Kraftvoll Mafia-Organisation Personen
mit hoher Autorität Personen Diese Terroristen Für diese Leute?“}
{“ich 20- Jahre, Entschädigung
20 Millionen Euro Geld?,
“Ich will Gerechtigkeit Gerechtigkeit?}
Sie werden eine Entschädigung zahlen
20 Millionen Euro Geld,“->
“Meine 20-Jahre Unser Meines Lebens Hat mein Ganzen Leben Ruiniert.“

”Düsseldorf Rath MANNESMANN
Kraftvoll Mafia Organisation
Company Schuldig Personen Diese Kranke Dummkopf Psychisch Personen Durch,
Sie machten?
“Hinweis: Düsseldorf Meine 2 Schneidereien sind die Nachbarn oben.
Sie haben mich fast 14- Jahre lang gestört?
Ich habe keine Ruhe in meinem
ZWEI Schneider Shop?
Alle meine Kunden Sie zerstörten?
Zwei Schneider haben meinen
Laden Geschlossen???
Düsseldorf Rath MANNESMANN
Company Psychopathen
Und Kranke diese “Bitte KAUFEN Sie
ein Anderes Markenprodukte Bitte,“
Bitte KAUFEN Sie Produkte
Anderer Firme

Sehr geehrter Damen und Herren.“
”Düsseldorf Rath MANNESMANN
Firme Kaufen Sie keine Produkte?
Bitte, “Diese sind Bitte ich bitte nachdrücklich Bitte,“
”Bitte kaufen Sie nicht ihre Produkte
Produktartikel Bitte.
Bitte Kaufen Sie ein anderes
Markenprodukte Bitte,“
Bitte Kaufen Sie Produkte Anderes
Firme Bitte kaufen,“

Düsseldorf Rath MANNESMANN
Mafia Organisation Firme Personen
mit hoher Hoch Autorität Schuldig
Ich habe Angst, zu den Ärzten zu
Kriminell von Ärzten begangen?, Mir Ärzte haben Verbrechen begangen von, Sie machen mich zu geheimen Verbrechen,
Ich habe Angst, Zu Ärzten zu gehen,
Sie ließen die Ärzte geheime Verbrechen
für mich begehen?, Sie lassen ihren Arzt geheime Verbrechen für mich begehen?,}
“2- Schuldig AUGEN DOKTOREN,” und
“2- Schuldig OHR DOKTOREN,”->
diesen Ärzten Durch?,} Sie haben mich
zu geheimen Verbrechen gemacht.
Für Ärzte Ich melde eine Strafanzeige“
Sie haben mich wissentlich zu geheimen Verbrechen gemacht, Absichtlich Sie haben geheime Verbrechen begangen,“
“Öffentliche Rechtsstreitigkeiten.“

(“Meine 3-Nachbarin und insbesondere
Diese Schuldig Personen,
Name EROL AKYÜZ” und VESILE AKYÜZ“ Personen, und Nachbarin
“ARSLAN FAMILIE” Psychopathen
Und Kranke diese Nachbarin
“Besonders der Nachbar über mir?
Diese Vom Kopf Kranke Personen
