If prices keep rising, a nightmare scenario for the US economy is a real possibility

The good news is that the economy is still growing at a healthy clip as it recovers from the pandemic recession.



Ha Ha, CNN, are you trying to beat SNL at the comedy game? Wouldn't really take much effort, sadly. Have you not heard about the economy suffering from the highest inflation in 60 years? Are you not driving any cars needing gas that went up 100% since Biden took over? Are you ignoring rises in Medicare premiums, food costs, restaurant costs, energy costs, not to mention 20% rise in new and used cars. Do you even read any other news besides your own myopic self? The nightmare you talk about has been here for a year now. Wake up. Biden is causing all rises in everything so working American's have to pay higher taxes, so Biden can take the extra tax money and give it to non-working Americans and to all the illegal aliens he is spreading around the country. Yes, the nightmare is here.

In my humble opinion the issue is not the economy overall, but rather the overall situation with the American Federal Reserve. If there is another financial crisis in the near future I believe there are significant doubts and concerns regarding its ability to manage such a situation. The American government has done a great job of stimulating the economy during covid, but what sort of balancing act is following the stimulus? Would be an ideal time to scale back spending and look at increasing some taxes, but both are needed. It seems like the current situation is to continue to over spend while increasing some tax generation, which is not really enough. The amount of money printed, the scale of the American debt, combined with the rhetoric that there is money to be spent on new programs is simply not the case are all in combination alarming. This should be more alarming than the current inflation which is honestly a direct product of the world shutting down for a year. Unfortunately to achieve a balance with the budget and within the Fed it will require bypartisan support and politics to be set aside in certain situations which seems unlikely in the current American political arena.

says a lot about your love of this country, you should be ashamed of yourself for sticking up for a senile washed up 50yr politician that has accomplished absolutely nothing good for the United States, a man that has made us the laughing stock of the entire world and at the same time brought down our quality of life in every way, from inflation to open borders to national security to national debt to supporting blm,antifa and other terrorist organizations, condones looting and rioting as they burned down police stations and entire cities. Our children and they’re children will be the ones paying for this. He’s chipping away at our freedom’s each day from speech to gun to medical choice, I can’t think of one good thing he’s done for us, and the next 3 years are going to be very scary as he continues to divide and play into the woke crazy left wing liberals, all because you didn’t like mean tweets and a man who speaks his mind. Joe Brandon doesn’t even know where he is or what to say without his wife or staff constantly reminding him, it’s terrible that you’re pride won’t let you admit that he was a terrible choice, I’ve fought and served for over a decade and it saddens me to see what is happening, I really hope that a civil war doesn’t break out in the next few years but in all honesty it’s a real probability. May god help us all and yes Let’s go Brandon!

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Christ, people Corporations are price gouging, maximizing profits. Biden this, Federal Reserve that. Blah blah. Prices don’t go up because of some mystical economic force. People in boardrooms are looking at their balance sheets and deciding to raise prices to make more money. What they could do, if they were decent human beings, not the psychopathic aholes they are, would be to voluntarily freeze prices because, you know, there’s a global pandemic, millions have died, there’s millions forced out of housing, etc etc. But no they won’t, cause corporate profits are at an all time high, and “greed is good”. Plus, there’s the added benefit that idiots will blame Biden, and corporate types are afraid the Dems might actually do something about the sweetheart tax loopholes and deregulation the Republicans gave them.

Unempoyment is at its lowest in 20 years. Christmas sales were at their highest in 20 years. Products are being distributed. Biden tripled the number of vaccinations in his first 30 days and quadrupled that number in the next 30 days. So states with high vaccination rates are safely reopening. The number of deaths and people on ventilators is substantially down. Biden organized an airlift that rescued over 100,000 Americans and Afghans, while the Afghan military was collapsing. It is far from perfect, but when has it ever been perfect. The US is better off now than in December 2020.

Why it matters: Because the federal government has an actual stake in this vaccine, it could try to make the vaccine a free or low-cost public good with wide distribution, if the product turns out to be safe and effective.

The big picture: The NIH mostly funds outside research, but it also often invents basic scientific technologies that are later licensed out and incorporated into drugs that are sold at massive profits. The agency rarely claims ownership stakes or pursues patent rights, but that appears to be different with this coronavirus vaccine.

"We do have some particular stake in the intellectual property" behind Moderna's coronavirus vaccine, NIH Director Francis Collins said during an Economic Club interview in May.
Driving the news: New evidence shines light on the extent of NIH's involvement.

NIH and Moderna have researched coronaviruses, like MERS, for several years, and signed a contract this past December that stated "mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates [are] developed and jointly owned" by the two parties. The contract was not specific to the novel coronavirus, and it was signed before the new virus had been sequenced.
Separately, four NIH scientists have filed for a provisional patent application entitled "2019-nCoV vaccine," according to disclosures in a pending scientific paper. Moderna scientists co-authored that paper, but none are listed as vaccine co-inventors.
That makes it clear "the government and the public have a stake" in the coronavirus vaccine, said Zain Rizvi, a health law and policy researcher at Public Citizen. "The vaccine would not exist without the intellectual contributions of federal scientists."
What they're saying: NIH said in a statement that its scientists created the "stabilized coronavirus spike proteins for the development of vaccines against coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2," and the government consequently has "sought patents to preserve the government's rights to these inventions."

Further, NIH "has adopted a non-exclusive licensing approach for these patent rights in order to allow multiple vaccine developers" to make a vaccine.
NIH added that "federal employees listed as inventors on these patent applications assigned their rights to the U.S. government. Accordingly, should the [United States Patent and Trademark Office] and other national patent authorities grant the patents, the U.S. government will hold ownership interest in the patents."
Moderna declined to comment beyond a statement, which said the company "has a broad owned and licensed IP estate" and is "not aware of any IP that would prevent us from commercializing our product candidates, including" the coronavirus vaccine.

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