Former NAACP President: ‘It was extraordinarily painful to watch as an American and as an African American’

Former NAACP President Cornell William Brooks blasts GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn for her remarks about a Black judicial nominee.


Gene Hammerle I mentioned Trump in addition to this clown dramatizing the guys speeding ticket. Shes corrupt and calls out others.
You defended Trump in my I continued.
Heres Trump quoted talking to Howard Stern. It isnt fake news.
Well, I’ll tell you the funniest is that before a show: I’ll go backstage, and everyone’s getting dressed, and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it. You know, I’m inspecting because I want to make sure that everything is good. You know, the dresses. “Is everyone OK?” You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. “Is everybody OK?” And you see these incredible-looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that.

As Alveda King aptly calls it, it’s the Easy to Cheat law. Voter ID is common sense and required for everything else in life- things far less important than the integrity of our elections. Saying that getting an ID that is either free or extremely cheap is a barrier to voting is ridiculous and totally unfounded. Trying to turn it into a race issue is racist since you’re inferring that minorities somehow aren’t capable of getting voter ID or license which is needed for buying alcohol, cigarettes, picking up tickets to any sporting event, driving, flying, using a credit card, and basically everything else of any consequence.

At some point every Black person must understand that they will be attacked and labeled as something they are not. I absolutely hate his pitiful response to this women. He is ashamed!!! WTF. He as a judge should know the facts and as such. He should have been prepared to respond not as an angry black man, but as a wise lawful and educated man with the ability to defend himself as a potential judge against this misrepresentation of legal term such as rap sheet. In my opinion if he is willing to be humiliated like that in front of his family and not capable of defending himself better. He is not prepared to be a judge over anything or anyone else. Very disappointing to hear him bow in defeat to a false depiction of who he is.

March 25,2021

Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican, is seen on Capitol Hill in March 2017 in Washington, DC.
(CNN) It was Thursday afternoon before a Senate recess was about to begin, and senators were in a hurry -- especially Marsha Blackburn.

As senators bolted from the chamber after the week's final vote to catch their afternoon flights, the Tennessee Republican hopped in a waiting car along with an aide and made her way down Constitution Avenue. But the car was pulled over by US Capitol Police.

Blackburn then jumped out of the car, identified herself as a senator and showed the officer her congressional pin, according to a text message and a source familiar with the matter. The officer then let the car go.

The application of law versus a social perspective. Everything has boundaries and limits, and the problem creates some fundamental uncertainties. As people talk about extremes or the notions that democracy is being threatened. I wouldn’t die or fight for the notion of majority rule. Our nation is not based upon such notions. As war looms, tell us more about these concepts of freedoms and liberties being lost. Then explain why the people you want to copy, will not even have 200,000 troops ready to fight Russia. That a draft, will stir so much anger, that you would sensor it. Just the same, I am not seeing any people with such notions recruiting for this war with Russia.

The relationship between SES, race and ethnicity is intimately intertwined. Research has shown that race and ethnicity in terms of stratification often determine a person’s socioeconomic status (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009). Furthermore, communities are often segregated by SES, race, and ethnicity. These communities commonly share characteristics: low economic development; poor health conditions; and low levels of educational attainment; Low SES has consistently been implicated as a risk factor for many of these problems that plague communities. Research indicates that there are large health disparities based on social status that are pervasive and persistent. These health disparities reflect the inequalities that exist in our society. It is important to understand how various social statuses intersect, because race and socioeconomic status affect health exclusively as well as mutually (Williams & Mohammed, 2013).

Fact: the 14th Amendment, giving full citizenship to freed slaves, passed in 1868 with 94% Republican support and 0 Democrat support in congress. The 15th Amendment, giving freed slaves the right to vote passed in 1870 with 100% Republicans support and 0% Democrat support in congress.

No One Is Stopping Black US Citizens From Voting!!!!!!!

Fourteenth Amendment

Section 1

(All persons born or naturalized in the United States), and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Section 2.

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state.

"NONE CITIZENS VOTING" OK! hold on a minute before you jump, we have a few states that allow none citizens to vote in city and state elections, ABC, CBS, NBC had clip it seams New York is looking at doing the same thing.

The $64,000.00 question is, if any of these NON CITIZENS just happened to vote in an election for a US President, (WHAT RED FLAG WOULD POP UP????) They are state registered voters!!!!!!

BRAZIL - Diz a MÍDIA ANTI-GOVERNO, que LULA lidera a corrida presidencial 2022, o que parece FAKE-NEWS dos bravos !!!
No entanto,
Suponhamos que essa pesquisa seja verdadeira, ao meu ver, votar no CRIMINOSO LULA é a mesma coisa que TER A CASA ROUBADA, saber quem PRATICOU O CRIME, e quando esse ladrão passar pela frente, convidar para entrar.
PQP !!!
SÓ os HIPNOTIZADOS ainda não sabem quem é LULA e SEU GRUPO POLITICO.
Parece que a LAVA JATO, não foi suficiente para MOSTRAR A PODRIDÃO do PT, MDB, PP e outros parceiros dos CRIMES LESA-PÁTRIA que saquearam os COFRES PÚBLICOS, embolsando os SUADOS IMPOSTOS PAGOS.
Acorda cidadão, busque informações dessa gente sem escrúpulos antes de CAIR NA LÁBIA desses treinados espertalhões.
Lembre-se ainda,
Parte da GRANDE MÍDIA quer "essa gentalha" de volta, pois BOLSONARO secou "as tetas públicas" que os alimentavam em abundância.

Teknology "virtual super automate artificial inteligence neurolink robotic human mimik mosu-mosu" Dapat menjawab style kehidupan "hybrid-ultra-nanometer" menjelang 100 tahun mendatang.

Saya sampaikan kepada members semuanya bahwa:

Teknology virtual super artificial inteligence mosu-mosu," ciptaan dan milik saya/kami itu: "sangat presisi, sangat stabil, sangat akurat, sangat super jenius, arsitektur super komplit, mesin super humanist worker, taat hukum sesuai regulasi dimana dia berada untuk bekerja, cukup religius dari mesin robot lainnya."

Esensi "rohnya" itu suistanable, yaitu saya/kami melihat bahwa 175 tahun akan datang itu semua merupakan produk recycle. Sebab bahan mantah atau bahan baku dari sumberdaya alam terbilang habis.

Secanggih bagaimanapun kemampuan industri teknology saat ini, mereka tidak dapat menjawab tuntutan kehidupan industri "hybrid-ultra-nanometer" ekonomi, bisnis, manufakktur, sosial budaya kebutuhan religius masyarakat perspektif "hybrid-utra-nanometer" didunia ini.

Rasa aman manusia menjalani hidup, pekerjaan, bisnis, industry manufacture para members, dalam satu komunitasnya tidak ada rasa takut pada ancaman senjata otomatis para penjàhat terorganisir walaupun dalam jumlah besar.

Kemampuan software teknology mosu-mosu ini sangat cocok sekali tetap digunakan PRESIDEN NEGARA yang banyak penentang, CELEBRITY, SUTRADARA, RESEARCHER, CEO industry besar/kecil, Para Guru diseluruh dunia "hybrid-ulyra'nano meter."

Segala sesuatu dilakukan dengan sangat sangat cermat, akurat, presisi, stabil, global, mata nanometer, yang hyper jenius, tepar sasaran disatu tempat dengan sensor controling hyper sensitif, sekalipun telah dirusak pihak lain (spyware apapun) tetap berfungsi stabil, akurat, presisi, global multi-cross link dalam satu tempat dan register melelui nomor telephon, ip, sidikjari, cornea mata, sampel suara, nomor induk kependudukan ditambah nompr register mesin yang dibuatnya sendiri automaticly tiap perangkat dan perangkat pembantu yang digunakan setiap members yang teraffiliasi dadalamnya. Ingat mosu-mosu teknology multi-controling sensor lebih bersih hukum, pegang norma moral, religius dan ethica, ilmiah dalam mengamati, mengimpul informasi dan data, menganalisis, membuat 5-7 model tindakan, integral komprehensif melakukan eksekusi. Kejeniusanya memproteksi uang user sangat cermat dan tidak dapat dicuri oleh teknology secanggih apapun (karna dia saya/kami buat perhitungan matematika dan algoritma pelik).

Demikian saja keterangan resmi saya/kami para members kepada khalayak dunia yang selalu 185 kali setiap hari berusaha masuk, membobol, mencuri, merusak karna perintah pimpinan kalian setelah mengadopsi hampir 80% format dan isi teknology sistim hukum, perpajakan, pengajaran, pendidikan tinggi, pendidikan anak perkembangantwntang matematika-fisika-kimia-pengetahuan umum. Serta kalian yang berusaha paksa merusak, copy dan memperbanyak dan menjual untuk keuntungan kalian, lalu memutar balikkan fakta bahkan kalian tuduh kami sebagai "HITAM, BERBAHAYA, DAN HALAL BAGI SIAPA YANG DAPAT MERUSAK DAN MENGHANCURKAN TEKNOLPGY KAMI," membatalkan certificat ISO, IEC, produk ilmu dan software teknology kami. Mohon maaf bagi semua members kami yang BERMUKA DUA, BERPERAN GANDA demi eksistensi kalian, terpaksa sistem kami yang mendorong megatakan yang terakhir ini.

Mengakhiri penjelasan status, dimulainya dan goal utama kami ini melalui motto utama kami:
"All truth is god truth, ita lex scripta/scriptura none pose non picare-ubi bene ibi patria- coorporate without compromise."

Author, researcher, teacher, juornalist, dounding, owner/ CEO
mosu-mosu foundation
Yuni Elias Waruwu

