Atlanta zoo euthanizes Choomba, 59-year-old gorilla, after health decline

Veterinary staff "had been monitoring Choomba closely in recent days following a marked decline in her physical condition due to advanced arthritis and other age-related complications," said a zoo statement. "Given her poor prognosis and with concern for her comfort and quality of life, the teams made the extremely difficult decision to euthanize her," the statement said.


I don’t believe in euthanasia unless it is for a dying animal in pain. If they are not dying, but in pain that can be controlled, even with very strong pain medication, I’m for keeping them alive. There are plenty of humans that live in chronic, intractable pain everyday. Would you euthanize them? An animal is a living being that can feel emotion as well as pain….I would do what I can afford to keep them alive in relative comfort. As a matter of fact I did with a female cocker spaniel that had a severe case of lupus. It cost me a small fortune but we were able to keep her alive for a little over 3 more years on multiple immunosuppressants and strong pain killers. She enjoyed most of her last 3 years until we had no choice but to let her go in peace.
