Baltimore top prosecutor Marilyn Mosby has been mired in controversy since she took office

Amid her second reelection campaign and months before the June primary, Baltimore top prosecutor Marilyn Mosby faces criminal charges her attorney says are politically and racially driven.


Queen my Prayers are With You I know You've set the Bar High And have Done and are doing an excellent Job in your Position ,don't worry about the Trained People ,You continue to carry out your Lawful duties And your Absolutely Correct ,as soon as you started the investigation into the Police Department, and had the courage to stand on and had those officer's to face what they'd done ,you're the First to Stand up ,so I salute You Marilyn M. And I'm asking the Creator to set this record Straight Queen I stand with you in full support, you did Nothing Wrong

She ran on overhauling a Corrupt system that she herself is just as corrupt and she got caught and CNN is saying she’s mired in controversy I see why CNN is no longer number one in the media. They push lies and propaganda . At one point CNN told it like it was regardless of political party or ethnic group but not no more CNN is no longer a credible media outlet and never will be again until they go back to what they used to be and that was truthful and telling it like it is regardless of political affiliation or ethnic group.
