Package thefts and other high-profile crimes threaten to derail the reform-minded Los Angeles County DA

A rash of package thefts from freight trains passing slowly through downtown Los Angeles has raised a fundamental question facing many cities: how to balance attempts at criminal justice reform with the need for crime prevention.


One of The Highest Profile Crimes of the Ages will be the conmanvirus 20-1984, full of misinformation and mandates for profit. With the ushering in of Orwellian Authoritarianism.

Fighting Disease For Dummies:
1) Lockdowns-when science says we need to avoid vitamin D deficiency.
2) Vaccines that don't work, always needing a boost, instead of cheap treatments that actually work.
3) Vaccine Mandates for something treatable if actually treated right, yet people always claimed vaccines will not be mandatory.
4) My Body My Choice: No your body belongs to Pharma-Corp, so you can be their guinea pig. Mind you pharma lobbies crooked politicians to set policies with no basis in science.
-But by all means let us clamp down on people robbing corporate supply chains like Robin Hood, because global economies have been trashed by those mismanaging this scamdemic to sell pharmaceutical commodities that don't even work well.
