AIMIM प्रवक्ता Waris Pathan ने मोबाइल गार्ड की तुलना हिजाब से की

AIMIM प्रवक्ता Waris Pathan ने कहा, 'आप मोबाइल पर स्क्रीन गार्ड क्यों लगाते हो बचाने के लिए तो अगर हमारी बहनें भी एक स्क्रीन गार्ड लगता हैं हिजाब के अंदर तो क्या तकलीफ है' #हल्ला_बोल Anjana Om Kashyap


जय हिंद जय भारत भारत माता की जय वंदे मातरम हमारा देश का संविधान बोलता है और कहता है और नियम बनाता है कि भारत देश की कोई सी भी धर्म की बहन बेटी मां बहन पर कोई अत्याचार नहीं सहेगा वह उनके मर्जी के मालिक हैं वह चाहे जैसे कपड़े पहने चाहे जैसा खाना खाए चाहे जैसा पानी पिए चाहे जैसा घूमे फिरे सब स्वतंत्र हमारे देश की बहन बेटी किसी भी जाति किसी भी मजहब किसी भी बिरादरी से है जय हिंद जय भारत भारत माता की जय वंदे मातरम इस पर किसी ने उंगली नहीं उठाना चाहिए

Muslims will not be seen interfering in any religious beliefs, nor will they be allowed to utter obscene words to their dignitaries or their idols, nor will they be seen to support those who say so. Why do the mentally ill in Muslim hostility want to impose their will? By any cunning and hypocrisy they would like to follow the will of Muslims when Muslims do not interfere in their beliefs and worship. There is no right to interfere with others. Ba haya women live in hijab or such clothes. If they are not ashamed to go in front of their brothers and father Cha Tao, then why are others worried about it. If the Ba haya are as pure as the Ka'bah and the Holy Qur'an in the eyes of their loved ones who are kept in a shroud. They are like precious diamonds to their loved ones which are kept with utmost security. So why bother others if they feel ashamed or they want to be precious and pure for their loved ones or they also want to be called Ba haya wife or mother or sister and daughter of honorable loved ones and world and hereafter If they want success then they should also become like them and not be jealous of them and do not try in vain to make them like themselves and hypocrites also refrain from their hypocrisy.