️На площади Шевченко в Киеве развёрнуты установки «Град»

️На площади Шевченко в Киеве развёрнуты установки реактивных систем залпового огня «Град». ⠀ Об этом сообщает Минобороны РФ. ⠀ Цель — нанесение удара в район аэродрома Гостомель



World War 3 begins with Russia and USA jumping into the Middle East to fight against each other and their allies. World War 3 will close with defeat to USA, UK, Israel & Russia at the hands of Muslims lead by Imam Mahdi.

World War 3 will spread from the Middle East and lead to the fall of Turkey and Saudi Arabia, Islam will rise again from Pakistan. Allah will reward Muslims with a victory in Ghazwa e Hind, while Imam Mahdi leads into the Middle East, where World War 3 will occur.

Many of Muhammad Qasim's dreams have already come true. So what message does this bring to us all about the future?

#MuhammadQasimDreams #WorldWarIII #WWIII #WorldWar3 #Russia #Ukraine