Из Крыма в Херсонскую область доставили 20 т гумпомощи

Из Крыма в Херсонскую область доставили 20 т гумпомощи. Жителям Геническа передали муку, сахар, крупы и предметы гигиены. Видео Минобороны РФ



Father God in heaven we pray and we ask you, in the mighty Name of the Lord Jesus the Christ of Nazareth to expose the evil deceivers and to expose the evil doers so that your children will not be confused.
We worship you dear Father God and we praise you for you alone are worthy of all praise, worship and adoration, in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus the Christ of Nazareth, whose Name is above every other name, Amin and Alleluia.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia to the Lord Most High, you are worthy, you are worthy, you are worthy.
Worthy is the Lamb who opened the grave, Worthy, Worthy, Worthy, you are Worthy Lord Jesus, you are Worthy.
The Name of the Lord Jesus is higher than any other.