Florida Senate passes ban on schools and businesses teaching people to feel guilty for racist history | CNN Politics

The Florida Senate voted Thursday to ban public schools and private businesses from teaching people to feel guilty for historical events committed by people of their race, addressing a top priority of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.



Since no one living today was a slave or even knew a slave they shouldn't feel guilty of anything. None of us had any control of what took place better than 100 yrs. ago. Sure it was wrong and we would of confronted it. But we just hadn't arrived on earth yet. Trying to shame anyone today for these horrific crimes, only futher divides people. I think that's what this bill is about not to futher divide over a winless argument. Remember folks this is not saying not to teach history. It's saying don't try to put a guilt trip on people who had nothing to do with this history. A lot of post in here don't reflect what the article says. Nothing to do with stop teaching the truth of history. It's about stop trying to make people fill guilty of the history.

You should not feel guilt for the sins of your ancestors BUT you must know what was done and why context is everything. You must learn from history..... without a shared history how can you move on together. The saddest thing of all is that if you are poor, you will be poorly educated and then you will have low skills and a crap job and the cycle will go on and on. If you are poor it doesn't matter what race, colour or creed you are YOU ARE POOR. You are kept poor because you are turned on each other so you never see your power as a group and so we can't look up and see who is keeping us poor.

Did you read the bill?
That’s not what it’s about!

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis took another swipe against critical race theory Wednesday, introducing a bill to ban the controversial curriculum from K-12 schools in the state.

The Stop Wrongs Against Our Kids and Employees (WOKE) Act would allow parents to file lawsuits against school districts they suspect of teaching critical race theory and recover attorney fees “when they prevail,” the governor said during a press conference.

Sexual agenda does not belong in the classroom! Period!
Race theory does not belong in the classroom! Period!

Stop making up lies about this bill!

There are three types of guilt: natural, toxic, and existential. The Florida Senate seems to think that they can legislate away existential guilt. I've read that existential guilt can only be remedied by making unconditional offerings to life.

Modern society, with its intense individualism, broken families, and consumerist attitude toward spirituality, invites existential guilt (and not just about racism).

We all have certain basic debts - to our ancestors, to the earth, to our teachers, to God, and to everyone who has helped us. When we don’t pay those debts, we suffer from existential guilt.

So no...you can't just make a law that will make you stop feeling guilty. It doesn't work that way. You need to be responsible for your own feelings of guilt. If you don't feel guilty, whatever - good for you, you own that. But if you do feel guilty, do something about it. If you don't know what to do, ask somebody.

And btw, Florida Senate, for a political "Right" who say they want to get government OUT of people's lives, this seems to be heavily involving the government in something that should be a personal responsibility.
