Consumers are feeling better about the economy, despite rising prices | CNN Business

Americans are feeling slightly better about the economy again, in part because they believe the worst of the latest surge in gas prices is behind them, consumer sentiment data showed Thursday.


Nancy Kiel if you don’t remember he wanted a stand alone covid relief bill just for Americans without all the pork. He gave huge concessions to the democrats to get relief passed. If he didn’t give any relief democrats would say he did nothing and doesn’t care. It was a lose lose situation. I personally believe he shouldn’t have gave any money out. Governors shut the their states down for a virus that had a 98% survivability rate. The trillions spent had bipartisan support. It’s ok to disagree with your side and have a genuine opinion of a situation and think for yourself.

yeah so glad its not bidens rather than give ukraine a few toys here and there and some cash aid, why not just give them the full US fleet of jets on our Carriers and end the war in a week, then we can save money in the long run by not having to toss in ' aid packages ' every few weeks which will only add up over time while making the war continue ', then we can go back to normal and focus right back on covid-19, everyone says putin bluffs so why wait on action?

West Coast it's fine. Keep working & the gas thing was nothing especially if it's our only way showing Ukraine support. There will always be haters, complainers, people not wanting to pay there fair share of taxes & that's why the majority voted for Biden. Can you imagine if Trump was still POTUS we'd be following Putin rules & going against Ukraine. It's important to vette politicians & people running for office & vette there family members. Are they really experienced & qualified for a Senator or POTUS? When voting think ahead were do you want US loyalties or do you want a dictatorship?

Della Ashton Buchanan
Inflation started in The US because we printed $ under the guise of “covid relief”
After Biden took office . It’s called Quantitive easing… it causes inflation…. That coupled with the strangling regulations on our gas and oil industry (which is used in the production and shipping of all products and food) , slashed drilling moratoriums, and oh… the cancelling of the keystone pipeline (which by now would be up and running…. Has all caused inflation…. Being that most commodities are globally marketed…like oil n gas …. Get it?? This started long before “Putins price hike” lol.
It’s sad I have to explain this to you.

Who CNN? The people that don’t have to worry about paying bills? Who the hell are you polling or talking too?

Now if gas prices went back to $2.19/gal heck even $2.50 then “some Americans” would start to feel better, cause they aren’t working for nearly 4-5 hours and sometimes days to put gas in their vehicle to actually drive to work.

If the prices at the supermarket go down to where they were before Jan, then maybe…. If shelves were actually stocked in stores then maybe..

I think you need to send your pollsters to different locations instead of “swaying the numbers”.

Just so that I get this straight, the Biden administration announced today that it is going to lower the price of gasoline by allowing the E15 blend (15% Ethanol) in the summer months rather than just winter months. What people should know is that corn prices are at near records due to global demand which will only drive the price up more and in the meantime we will be burning the worlds food source in an effort to reduce gasoline prices. So while your gasoline decreases .10 a gallon, your bread, cereal, etc is set to quadruple or more and will only skyrocket prices higher . Everyone now figuring out just how dumb liberalism is. Just pump OUR oil out of OUR ground. Man, I’ll be glad when these buffoons are out of office. There’s more common sense in this picture than between the ears of Brandon.

Nancy Kiel Ah, OK thank you for clarifying. What specific aid did he withhold in exchange for dirt on his opponent? He was acquitted of colluding with Russia to throw an election. So, he was Impeached for Collusion with a foreign government, but acquitted. TRUMP was never convicted of any Collusion with Russia, totally making my point. As to yours, you totally replayed exactly what Joe Biden did, on tape, with the Ukrainian Government by withholding
1 1/2 billion $'s in aide. Demanded that the prosecutor be fired that was investigating Burisma, whom his son was on the board with no experience in the oil industry!! Mike Drop! See Ya, "Buttercup"! Done with you! Debating with a Lib is way too easy!

It's articles like these that shows just how dumb CNN thinks their supporters are. Their have been dozens of polls by virtually every polling agency out there that show that NOBODY is feeling better about the economy. The Producer Product Index this week is up 11.2% from this time last year. That's the highest jump in recorded history. For those that don't know, the PPI is a forward looking inflation gauge. It determines what inflation will look like as consumer goods come down the pipe. We're in deep trouble. This administration is either the most clueless ever on handling the economy or this is what they want so they can advance an agenda. It's the lower class that are hurt the most by this. They don't have the disposable income to absorb all these increases.

are you serious?
Let's start with the mass printing of money-the increased money supply makes the dollars you have in your pocket (or bank account) worth less. The whole point of the value of money is in scarcity-and when trillions are printed, the money that is in existence are not as valuable as they were-and this president loves printing money.
Second-his policies that extended the government-imposed lockdowns delayed recovery.
Third, his imposition of regulatory burdens and executive orders to decrease the production of fuel have driven up current costs as well as the future costs.

The proof is in the pudding (head).

10ºNancy Kiel Keep drinking the CNN Kool Aide! Summer's coming and gas prices always go up. If some sheeple are gullible enough to think that they are going to drop to a reasonable amount, they're going to be disappointed. BTW, you're asking me to ask for proof that CNN lies and promotes the DNC? What about when Donna Brazile leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton? What about how they buried the HUGE story of the Hunter Biden laptop and possible corruption of a Presidential Candidate? What about the "Russian Collusion" propaganda that they ran all day for four years that has been proven to be a narrative created by the Clinton campaign? Shall I go on.............easy pickin's!!!
