Arrest made in connection to triple homicide at a Georgia shooting range | CNN

A Georgia man was arrested in connection with a shooting at a Grantville, Georgia, shooting range that resulted in three deaths last week, authorities said Friday


Franklin Strum You don't need a permit in many states, like in Kansas where I live. When they did require a permit I took the class. All it was were lectures about the laws. On the last day we finally shot a gun at a target and had plenty of time to come close enough for our permit. One woman had to be shown how to load her gun and kept pointing it everywhere. They did encourage her to go to a shooting range to learn how to use a gun, but she was so excited that she was finally going to get to carry a gun in her purse. When I say training, I mean learning how to clean your gun, load your gun, how to hold your gun, practice, etc. Just because you watch action movies doesn't mean you know squat about guns. And if you think it does, you shouldn't be allowed to own one.

Anne Mayer Grandis "Defensive use of guns by crime victims is a common occurrence, although the exact number remains disputed (Cook and Ludwig, 1996; Kleck, 2001a). Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million (Kleck, 2001a), in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008 (BJS, 2010)."

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2013. Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Roosevelt Adebayo It already does. What CNN and Msnbc should be reporting on is the daily deaths in our inner cities brought on by liberal policies. After only a tiny piece of this story, I see references to Putin, and stronger gun control. The cities in the US with the strictest gun laws ALREADY, have the highest crime rates. If you've never fired a gun or even held one, your opinion on gun control is pointless. Weak DA's and cutting police budgets aren't keeping criminals behind bars. The recent judge that was appointed is criminal friendly. You keep letting violent criminals go free, then think I'm giving up my means of protecting my family? Banning guns, and freeing criminals has to be the dumbest thing anyone could suggest.

C Chang Swanson Yes people kill people. Explain why republicans vote against everything that would help mental healthcare? How do you stop crazy people from buying guns who do not have a record? Yes, we have the right to arm ourselves and i support that. But, we have a huge mental health problem as well. The argument is always it's not the guns who kill people, it's people who kill. Yet, anytime we bring up addressing people, you turn in to south park characters screaming " dey turkin our gunz". So what's the solution? Give more guns to more people while saying people are the problem?

Why no news CNN on This? ..The social-media rants of the 62-year-old suspect reveal a man consumed with hatred of white people and convinced of a looming race war.
“O black Jesus, please kill all the whiteys,” was one meme he posted.
He’s not too complimentary about Hispanics, Asians and his own race, for that matter, and claims to have had long-term mental-health problems. The 29 victims of Tuesday’s shooting were a multicultural mix, as you would expect in a crowded rush-hour subway train. Police say James detonated smoke grenades before firing 33 shots on the Manhattan-bound N train. Police found a hatchet, three ammunition magazines, fireworks and gasoline. It’s a miracle no one was killed.
But whatever his psychiatric issues, James sounds very much like other ideologically fixated, identity-obsessed killers who have emerged.

Karen Wilson I know Florida is definitely a gun riding 2 amendment rights state. I lived there for 8 years. In the middle of nowhere. People were in the woods shooting every day. My neighbor swilled beer on his porch all day and had target practice at night. Calling the cops is a waste of time. I was waiting for him to accidentally shoot someone while he was drunk. He did threaten to shoot my dog who was in my yard minding his business. I told him if that dog got so much as a hangnail he’d be the first person I’d be coming for. I don’t have to advertise the fact that I have to guns. I believe when you pull a gun you best be ready to use it for real. Not drunken target practice.

Ben Swanson You are very literally the type who wades in to every comment section about a shooting, saying "I bet it's a black guy, bet it's gang members, bet we can guess what they look like" and when the shooting is a white male, poof, off you wander to be racist elsewhere. You linked sources that did not back up your biased, and racist opinion. There are multiple shootings in the US daily, and many of them, are white dudes just like you. Pretend it isn't the case, but you're the reason people avoid the US, I'm more scared that you'd shoot me, than a gang member.

Victor Chin
WHAT?!! You didn’t answer a single question I asked. All you have done is answer questions I didn’t ask. And, yes, people can scroll up and see it.
Oh, and you were never a liberal. And, who said I am??
Here, I will post those same questions again (cut n paste from my earlier post):

Victor Chin
So, for a quick recap; please provide actual evidence for the following claims you have made
1) That I deny that these defensive situations happen
2) That I deny that any woman or man can stop these situations by carrying
3) That I don’t want more people armed
4) I deny these women/elderly/etc have a legitimate use of firearms outside of shooting
5) I deny peoples’ right to own and carry a firearm
If you choose to answer, please use only facts backed from reliable sources.

Don W. Pierce ill reply all day long. It is my pleasure to put bullies and BSers in their place. Here are the facts so far, 1) I gave you the facts of my Defensive use of gun: you called them lies. 2) I gave thr fact these instances happen in millions of times and provide you an article explaining why: you called it an opinion piece 3) I gave you the citation fron office of Justice: you deny those facts 4) I gave the fact of my experience as an NRA instructor: you called me a liar and I told you to look it up. You probably did. This is the conversation so far and all the facts I gave you. Everystep you denied this happens. It isnt a far step for me to take that you are just another delusional anti-gun liberal that probably holds the anti-gun anti-self protection and probably anti-women from my experience.

10ºKathleen Sparks Hey, you're trying to get me to take on your sloppy seconds, I'm just letting you know that your husband having indecent thoughts about me, while you tell me about the creep you cheated on him with, is kinky, but not really my thing. If the guy you cheated with, wasn't better than your hubby, why did you cheat with him? Your husband having issues in bed? Cant' get it up? Why do you think I would want someone who can't get it going? What is your fascination with needing me to take on your discards?? You think I'm better for them than you are? I mean, that makes sense, but I'm not into guys with such low standards.
