Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky joins Jake for an exclusive interview on the state of war in Ukraine and his country’s fight to win. State of the Union is live from Lviv Sunday at 9 a.m. ET


Arild Tony Lyngstadås probably. Otherwise, he is brainwashed troll of devil mordor.

Beth Gardner you are really off base here. Believe and understand when I, whose country has very long history with russia and knows more, suggest you to do more research. Like proper research on who russian is, how their regime works, what methods do they use, and why putin started what he started. There is little to no change in there about their mentality since last devil was "freeing" other countries by invading them, killing civilians in most inhuman ways possible, occupying them, some for 50yrs and what it did to those countries.... Your eyes would fly open.
Or not. And you are as good as another brainwashed troll.

Beth Gardner so how all Ukrainian civilians provoked putin , as many of them now killed, especially Russian speaking ( on east and south of Ukraine?) How my family provoked Putin? I originally russian , but grow up in Ukraine. My city now under heavy shelling and they bombing everything. And when my family was escaping from city russian orcs for shooting on civilian cars who was exiting the city , how this sounds , existing for you? I’m totally supporting our president and army, no words on Earth can provoke what Russians are doing to civilian people , kids , women. We don’t want Russia in Ukraine and was living peacefully before “ Russian peace” ️24.02.2022

Dear President Zelensky, We all love the way you have handled the war after your country was invaded by Putin. The guy has just started a real war and he doesn't care about children and women of your country. He has decided to wipe out anybody talking about Europe or USA.
You have noticed that he has started bombing Kiev using long range missiles. Please do not go outside anyhow. Use gas masks because the missiles have some nuclear poisons. That's why he withdrew technically as if defeated. Your scientist should keep checking traces of Nuclear in the vehicles and tanks that were left untouched. Things are starting sir. Also don't announce any help given. Avoid journalist and inform your soldiers to avoid journalist. I don't trust some. They could be spying for Putin. Security apparatus and weapons should be out of media reach. Good luck sir.

you're deflecting away from the part about their country being corrupt and probably lying, this is what you people do on CNN who can't confront facts about anything mainstream says, what ukraine ' claims ' goes directly to mainstream media without even a question mark, there is no way they have destroyed the # 's they have given out and still need help and still have not won..its impossible from a military stand point, also we do know what they need they've already told us 100 times.... lots of jets, lots of tanks ( 1% of every tank and jet in NATO ) etc. etc..sounds like things are not going well to me!

100 bucks says you and mrs. tatiana are paid to go around on CNN and patrol the comments- see a comment that sticks out like a sore thumb that isn't parroting the CNN pro ukraine stance? uh oh..better intervene, its been known from what i can see the past 2 weeks on CNN they have groups of people all posing to be from the exact same city in ukraine running around on here harassing folks they dont agree with- you're as bad as tell me why did you just create a FB only recently? ive been on FB for a pretty long time...going back to 2008 even

1. Was there any Sanctions imposed on ISRAEL for
killing and destroying the innocent women and children
of Palestine?
2. Was there any Sanctions imposed on AMERICA for
Killing and destroying the lives of innocent women and
children of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Cuba, Vietnam and
even stealing their Diamonds and Gold?
3. Was there any Sanctions imposed on AMERICA/
FRANCE for killing Muammar Gaddaf and destroying
4. Was there any America/NATO soldier that was
punished for raping and torturing the innocent women/
children of all these aforementioned countries?
5. Is there any sanction imposed on FRANCE for
inciting crisis and unrest in several African countries?
These are highly war crime America and NATO should
be punished for.
Maybe it's high time we understood that NATO, USA
and all their allies are the most dangerous evils of our
time. We must therefore change the world Ballance of
power, and make sure everyone has equal rights and
stop the oppressors

Zelensky is a puppet of America. He is a green historical president in Ukraine history presidency to have gone into a full throttle war against Russia, their NEXT NEIGHBOR, a country whom they share so much together in terms of history and culture together. He has been used and misused by America to make big boys/superpower moves at the expense of million's of Ukrainians who are now Refugee's in the neighbouring countries, their livelyhood will never be the same again forever and ever. America are evil they are trying to weaken Russia at the expense of innocent Ukrainians, their president is a puppet TV hero yet a captive of Biden administration. US has destroyed dozen of countries from middle east to Africa. We will forever remember America for destroying Libya. Japan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and so many other countries, in the meantime American citizens have been doctrinated to think the world is against them, yet America advances a few americans oligarchs that benefits from war and a few oligarchs that steal foreign wealth after destroying these countries.

Oleg Ponomar
Commander of the Russian Federation Admiral Igor Osipov arrested by the FSB. This is the eighth general\admiral that Russia has lost since the beginning of the war.
And, in general, when the commanders are arrested, this is a sign that the war is not going as you wanted.
And personally for Igor Osipov, the bad lane began 4 days ago when Japan put him on the sanction lists.
The reason for the arrest is clear.
In February, the commander of the Black Sea Fleet Admiral Igor Osipov personally tested the ability of the missile flagman "Moscow" to reflect the enemy's air strikes. He was pleased with the results of his studies.
Information about this was spread in Russian media on the eve of the start of the Russian war against the people of Ukraine, namely February 18. Admiral went to the site of the cruiser deployment to check.
Propaganda media reports said the exercises provided a reflection of the attack of a parole opponent attempting to deploy a missile strike at the fleet's position.
That's how I checked.
And more.
Russia-Media mistakenly write that the Moscow crew is 510 people. Well, this is not the truth. According to the official state of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the crew of Moscow (was) - 680 people.
And more.
How much Russia has turned into North Korea under Putin. After all, we all remember HOW the story with Kursk was covered in the then Russian media and it was very emotional (let's say so). Today Russia lost 500 sailors at once more than Kursk, and... - complete silence.
In my opinion, this is a really horrible, deadly and icy silence. This is like a country without a soul for a long time..
A walking corpse..
