Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky joins Jake for an exclusive interview on the state of war in Ukraine and his country’s fight to win. State of the Union is live from Lviv today at 9 a.m. ET


Luc Asmo
You sound like a person who's unaware of the long history of the human propensity for conquest. Someone's ego says their needs for your land is more important than your need for it. So they just take it by force if they sense you're weaker. This is how tyrants like Adolf Hitler, Ghenghis Kahn, Julius Caesar, Vladimir Putin et al, got a foothold on other people's land. There is no habital land on Earth that has not been fought over.

The last world War was a struggle between 2 dictatorships (Germany and Japan) and the other nations of the world. Those nations more concerned with commerce than conquest were very slow to respond to Japan and Germany's aggression. As a result, just as a Python rapidly encircles it's victim before there's a chance, the non-aggressor nations were consumed by the inferno of world War 2. They were completely unable to unify thus saving themselves.

It took the power and might of the United States to first provide other nations with weapons to counter this aggression then ultimately American troops to finish the job.

At the end of WW 2 it took American troops to now stop a former ally (Russia) from exploiting the chaos of the war to steal other nation's land.

American completely rebuilt Europe through the Marshall Plan. Unlike the Russians America took no one's land rather placed security troops in European countries to stop Russian aggression. The European nations were too weak to defend themselves from it.

With the advent of species-ending nuclear weapons someone needed to insure WW 3 would not happen. The ravaged countries of Europe and Asia were incapable of standing up to the task. So America stepped up.

Because of America's assumption of this role the world has largely experienced great peace and stabilty the last 75 years.

It costs America enormous amounts of money and personnel to get the world relatively peaceful. But the alternative is World War 3

Zelensky is a danger to his own people, says historian and journalist Angelo D'Orsi. On the air of the Italian TV channel Rete 4, he said that the Ukrainian president is one of the main obstacles in achieving peace.

D'Orcy: Zelensky seems to me a very dangerous character. He is leading a campaign that will actually result in destruction and casualties among his people. But it doesn't really bother him. Therefore, I consider Zelensky -one of the main obstacles in achieving peace.

Above all, we should not forget that what is happening in Ukraine is a US war against Europe. The true object of the conflict is the European Union. The United States is interested in breaking ties between Russia and the EU, and in the future with China. It is difficult for America to understand that the unipolar world that was born after 1989 and which had only one superpower, one currency and one language is changing. Now the world is actually multipolar. We can say whatever we want about Putin. But there is no doubt that he helped Russia regain its place and dignity after being forced out.

Wish I can tell this clown. There's time for everything.
He's doing the right thing at the wrong Time ( = Wrong thing).

Russia waited and build to be able to stand the whole of NATO. Choose your Battle very well..
He's absolutely senseless and gullible to still believe West and US that he's winning when he already lost everything. Beautiful country is now remains of wreckage.
Truth be told. US is a bad and evil country allowing Russia to destroy Ukraine all cos they want to Sanction them.
I so believe this war is between Russia and US. Ukraine is just the battle field with clown president allowing that all in the name of Hero or Martyr.
Where's his own family?..
Is he in the battle front and initially claimed? Is he carrying weapons send by US?.... NO

Swazy Evan well thats not the case and may i remind you the three Baltic states have borders with Russia ask them how they feel about having fascist neighbor Russia and/or Bellarusse and Ukraine has all the right to join EU and/or Nato ! It is a free and sovereign nation just like Poland, Romania, the Baltics, Finnland and Sweden !!! Putin invaded and had this planned since 2014 just needed the right pretext in his view !! Now he van have his corridor to Crimea, the Donbass and possibly the gas fields there and increase his power in the Black Sea area !!! Respect for Ukraine not to let that basterd fascist Putin dictate then what to do !!

I tried explaining it was just a children's play, on a Military forum, and was bombarded....
It IS a children's play: "I want this", "I want that"... And when they don't get what they want they get angry...
And they (the Russians) behave like bullies, just like kids/teens... The use of weapons is i sign of real weakness!!!! Not being able to talk or negotiate...
Now if Putler wanted a "corridor" to Crimea, he could just have travelled on the road, in a car, like normal people....

However it is what it is... So Viva Zelensky!!! Glory to Ukraine!!!

I firmly believe that Dictatorship should not be exported to other countries but rather be abolished within a country of origin. Ukraine has chosen the path for democracy. Ukrainians never waged war against Russia neither did they invite Russian soldiers on Ukrainian territory. Russia is the biggest country and its citizens are in dare need of help from the government. Killing innocent people of Ukraine is evil. UN needs reform reform. They veto the same foundation of under which UN was formed and vote the rights of people to exist and live peacefully in their own country. Ukraine , the world supports you and shall continue to rally behind Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine

George Bowen am not those people you teach how to think and look at things. I have never seen any evidence where God appointed USA to be his agents of identifying who is Human, who is Godly and who is demonic. USA is the enemy of Humanity. And the world will Unite and defeat you. You will fail. No matter how long will take. Since the creation of humanity. No bully ever win. In fact silently we happy Russia is standing up. And more will Join. You could have ask why Soudis are not giving in your Nonsense. It's becouse they know US hypocrisy. Yemen people are dying with hunger becouse of your support, Palastine is being pushed to the end, Afghanistanis suffering, you destroy Lybians. Then you stand here telling people how angels you are? Shame on you. You engineers the war in Ukraine.

Sue Dettloff Ikeagwuchi Godwin Right from the beginning the EU can prevent the war from break out by doing the needful like negotiating with the warring parties but the only plague to peace is the American's so called "interests" of destruction, greediness, sabotage. American the colonial master of enslaved countries of EU has been ordered not to mediate except imposing economic sanctions on Russia because American is the only beneficiary of any bloodshed and unrest taking place accompanying by UK kleptomaniac system on Russia entrepreneurs, a licensed thief called United Kingdom. I pity the innocent Ukrainians for being a prey and for being played as football by the delegate of devils (President Zelensky)

Herb Fogliano the US education system is at the bottom worldwide. What's your point? It didn't stop me from getting a MBA. It didn't stop me from obtaining my own business. It did not hinder my great grandmother from being a landowner.
It didn't stop my grandmother from obtaining a higher education nor my mother and they were educators and business owners. It didn't stop me from raising a highly educated daughter with a professional career and her own business.
What's your fun fact? The fact that the US is spending money on wars in other countries and not taking care of their own people. Yeah, really funny immigrant.

10ºSo another black Extremist Domestic Terrorist Mass Shooter in SC mall. Second in 2 weeks. Then we had SF, Texas and Wisconsin by the same. And all summer of 2020. And before that the San Bernardino mass shooting and the Pulse Nightclub and Ft Hood by our Muslim Extremist Domestic Terrorist friends.

Where is your non stop coverage of these continual black extremist mass shootings?

But all we here from Brandon and MyDorkas is that White Extremist Domestic Terrorists are the biggest threat to America. Still waiting for the bad things happening from all 5 of them.

And coverage has already ceased of the bas... ////t*rd Frank James who shot up the NYC Subway full of minorities and Whites even though he is videoed and posted Black Extremist rants about "getting rid of Whitey".

But the hammering is endless when a White person shoots someone and the racist angle is always used even when it has nothing to do with it. Like the man who killed people in Georgia Spa was an Asian hater even though it had nothing to do with it.
