Obama pressures Big Tech on disinformation in Silicon Valley speech | CNN Politics

Former President Barack Obama called on tech companies to provide greater transparency about the way they promote content and for stricter regulation of the industry to combat what he called the "disinformation problem."



Brian Richmond The cult of Maga, Q, Trump, whatever they are currently using as their idol.

They are not a monolith. They each have their own goals and agendas and views on how far they have to go to spread awareness. Or are "Gays for Trump" part of the monolith?

Do they pray to their sexuality? Do they go around in their every day lives shouting to the world that they are gay? Do they make literally everything in their lives about it? I don't see that. I see them being activists, and then being ambiguous to it when they go home. I know many gay people from my previous jobs, I have many gay friends still. They aren't showing off their sexuality every day the way the right has to show in every aspect of their lives that they hate different people.

Is telling kids racism is wrong "forcing beliefs" on to them? Because that's about the same thing happening in schools: "Homophobia is wrong".

This conversation, specifically your rhetoric where you repeatedly make negative assumptions and give unfitting labels to the LGBT is proof that know, you are not very tolerant

Joey Nash I’m not in a cult.
I fear you may be.
Overloads of propaganda can make people think that there is more discrimination than there actually is.
Democrat propaganda keeps some people in fear that around every corner there is someone trying to deny people their rights or some other grievance for political power.

I don’t have a problem with gay people.
Making the assumption that I do have a problem with them when I have repeated stated otherwise shows projection of preconceived ideas about those who disagree.
I have a problem with some of the political activism, particularly the type that uses tax payer funded institutions to force their ideas onto children of people who don’t agree with that group.
Republicans don’t support gay people, but you just referenced Gays for Trump, who openly state that they are not part of the LGBT group, yet indeed somehow gay.

I know the programmed, reflexive reaction is to call someone a homophobe if they disagree. I’ve seen the propaganda programming also.
It’s ok to disagree with people without hating them.
I’m able to separate the activism from actual gay people.

When Obama says the “disinformation problem” he does not mean people expressing Leftist views.

Contrary to the claims of many, disinformation exists on both sides of the political aisle.

However, appointing “disinformation” police is an excellent way to end up with fascism, totalitarianism, and authoritarianism.

Ideas should be debated freely in the public square, which these days includes social media. Especially true since all of the big name social media platforms have proclaimed themselves to be merely a platform for expression, instead of being a publisher. Publishers have the right to edit content, but proclaiming yourself to be a modern day public town square means you have no right to edit outside of existing law.

( before someone decides to unthinkingly point out that those social media platforms are private companies free to do what they want, I will remind you of the demand to “bake the cake” put on another private company, who incidentally never proclaimed themselves to be anything but a private company)

In the end, Obama is calling for the censoring of information that goes against his political inclinations, and in doing so, the limiting of free speech. Which is the first step to the destruction of a free society.

Joey Nash people are allowed to have different opinions on what LGBT is and covers.
You stated your opinion. Other people see things differently, as more political action. That’s ok. That’s part of the miscommunication.

I specifically separated being gay from the group I see as a political action entity. That’s why you told me your opinion of what it is.

When I say religion I am being a little hyperbolic.
I’m not the only one guilty of that, am I?
Still, some extreme members do act a bit cultish.
My apologies if I have offended you.
Everyone else on this thread, not so.

The United States doesn't barrow money from China, the United States Federal Reserve prints money (FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES) under federal law to help keep the u.s economy economically stimulated and prevent low u.s. currency reserves, the United States Federal Reserve doesn't have foreign currency reserves due to some foreign currencies are linked to dictatorships, monarchies and pose a National Security risk and a threat to democracy in the United States of America, the United States Federal Reserve have an estimated 2-3 Trillion federal reserve notes in circulation, why you think that the constitution prohibits U.S. Presidents from accepting gifts from foreign nations, it's a NATIONAL SECURITY Risk and to prevent the u.s. presidency from being compromised by a foreign power

Tammy Ann Leinaala Chester

David is a partner at the law firm of Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP, practicing out of its Washington, DC office. He has represented broadcasters for over 30 years on a wide array of matters from the negotiation and structuring of station purchase and sale agreements to regulatory matters. His regulatory expertise includes all areas of broadcast law including the FCC’s multiple ownership limitations, the political broadcasting rules, EEO policy, advertising issues, and other programming matters and FCC technical rules.

I believe in "one" whom BLOGS, has 30 years expertise in this area,...in which YOU do not...

Craig R. Brittain . Let's see. How many times did Obama violate the Constitution's emoluments clause? Trump did over 300 times. How many relatives and friends did Obama appoint to government positions? Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner worked in the White House along with Giuliani’s son and Barr’s son-in-law. Barr’s oldest daughter worked in the Treasury Department. Eric and Donald Trump Jr. continued conducting international business on behalf of the Trump Organization. Ivanka Trump accepted Chinese trademarks related to her fashion business. The Saudi grants in question went to a World Bank fund she helped inspire, not to her. How many times was Obama impeached? Trump is the only President in US history to be impeached twice. Did Obama ever attempt to extort a foreign government ? Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine and wanted a "favor" before he would release the aid.

Russ Tavenner

Father and son’s linked finances — first reported by The Post last July — went well beyond household upkeep and sometimes spilled over into Hunter Biden’s debauched personal life.
In May 2018 during a drug and alcohol binge in Los Angeles, Hunter Biden accidentally transferred around $25,000 to an escort named “Gulnora.” He was immediately visited by the Secret Service — suggesting that the money came from a joint account with his father.
Hunter received a series of text messages from a former agent who repeatedly urged him to come out of his hotel room and reminded him “this is linked to Celtic’s account.” “Celtic” was Joe Biden’s Secret Service code name when he was vice president.

Freedom of Information is with it Freedom of Disinformation and Freedom of Minsinformation, depending on The intents why exercise such freedom.......hypertech entities should indeed have fast and furious ways of factchecking and in a flash of a ligtning speed post warming or caution or reversal of hurt....as is usually said: damage has been done....here we must have some scheme to compensate hurt social media users/netizens and punish intentional, unintentional or whatever hurt resulted....and it is complicated....there are truths that hurt or amuse but there lies that also amuse and not hurt that much.....in the value....the moral values of netizens count that much...and the golden rule would keep netizens cautious...very good Barack....keep well.

10ºBrian Richmond Being gay literally is in the name. If you are: Lesbian, Bi, Gay, or Trans, or any number of not strictly straight persuasion, LGBT applies to you.

Do you think they go around shouting that they are gay when they are not specifically in the Pride parade or actively doing activist work? Do they have no other defining characteristics about their life?

They don't make everything about it. You just only pay attention to the activism, you aren't even considering what they are like when they turn off the social media and go home from the protests.

Those different beliefs are literally that they want to discriminate against the LGBT for existing. Because that is the only "belief" being pushed: That they don't deserve discrimination for being not straight or not cis.

You missed the point of the racism equivalence: The only belief being pushed is "don't discriminate". It applies to racism the same way it applies to homophobia.

You're literally making a boogieman here out of the LGBT community. That is blatantly homophobic rhetoric.
