新冠疫情:“封控”带来次生灾害 如何影响上海 - BBC News 中文






这根本就是习仙下了一盘大棋,上海实施封控以来,乱象层出不穷,不只考验上海民众的忍耐力,更考验北京官方的清零政策。。。 (很熟悉的场景,上海武汉肺炎RNA突变病毒爆发时,上海很多小区的居民都跪下求防疫公安人员放他们一马,因肚子饿的难受。。。 无言。。。 上海各小区的居民还要到公园找一些绿化带植物。。。煮来品尝佳肴。。。 怪不得微信微博抖音这么多大陆内地网友们开帖介绍野菜的营养价值。。。 厉害了习的国,#饿零饿饿年 !习包子言,假如奥运有防疫金牌,中国肯定夺冠拿金牌,现在又多了个新名词,叫:次生灾害! 清0的政策下,解决不了武汉肺炎RNA突变病毒?不是先解决人类与动物罗。。。 唉唉。。。


I have experienced that I didn’t need to be quarantined when I came back from Macau, and even if I needed to be quarantined, the airport directly quarantined me, and with China’s epidemic prevention policy, how could it be possible for me to leave the airport without a nucleic acid test and a health code, and I ended up with a taxi driver When I learned about it, I told the community guard and called the police. The police station was like a big enemy. He told the city government and accused me of scaring the villagers. The villagers grabbed my suitcase and beat them, staring at me, feeling that I was directly Just got off the plane and came here from overseas. Infect them with the virus. The police station has upended black and white and refused to admit their ridiculous ignorance. Deliberately let the villagers beat the luxury goods I bought, and then sued me to let me appraise and sue myself, and even said that I had to have evidence for what I said. But I need to see the proof of what they said. The police officer who justly told me that I can't show me the alarm number 370276 knew what they were doing was wrong. After listening to me, I asked the other party to apologize. He didn't say a word. Age you make an apology. Then turn the black and white and say those people you did the right thing. Righteously asked me why I didn't let him see the health code, but they, including the street community, didn't wear masks. I asked the police to hear me but deliberately didn't say anything, or we didn't dare to manage others because of the righteousness.