A man in Indianapolis died after police say an officer deployed a Taser during a disturbance call

A criminal investigation is underway after a man died after being tasered by an Indianapolis officer during a disturbance call Monday, police said.



Deborah Naylor I think that most of us agree with you. But the reality is the police are always the 1st responders, which doesn't bode well for those with some form of mental health breakdown. But I am firmly opposed to the use of guns, tasers and brute force as the only choices that our police are so willing to utilize with impunity. Surely there must be some other tools they can use to subdue an out of control suspect. We are more humane with animals. How do naturists, wildlife control and others who devote their lives to saving and controlling wildlife subdue dangerous animals.?, and why don't we employ similar tactics on suspects that are out of control, unpredictable or violent. There must be some sort of seditive that is safe, works rapidly and is effective that could be used to subdue and/or transport an individual for a proper assessment removing an untrained or ill-equipped police officer from the equasion of making life and death decisions and the coverups that ensue. Just a thought.

Nancy I totally agree, but these facilities only keep patients for a short period of time and then release them with medication to their families or the streets. Unfortunately, they become too much to handle for families and end up being homeless and on the streets. My Sister was bipolar and schizophrenic. It was heartbreaking to watch her behavior. She was constantly breaking the law and going to jail due to her mental illness. She had medication, but didn’t take it regularly. I was always afraid that her mental illness would take her away from here, and in March 2019, it did.

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He died after officers place him in handcuffs, per the article. He was tasered before the handcuffing as he "continued to resist." Autopsy will show cause of death. If officers suffocated him in restraint as they handcuffed him? Or the man's physical condition while he was psychotic could be cause of death - sweating, pacing, blood from mouth, perhaps he was already having a brain bleed or heart attack or something else.
Those poor parents, having to deal with a son like that. Son is at peace now. Parents need prayers. They don't think it now, but they are no longer burdened.

Derek Polack no I don't believe the criminals. And you turned this political by calling people "low IQ libs" which proves my point proves what he said. The poorly educated can't even remember what they said 5 minutes after they said it. Maybe you should look into your own mental state before you start running off at the mouth! And I'll take being called a sheep over being called a red hat, right wing trumpanzee and especially called a republican! Now grow up and come back to the adult conversations. Why do you kids think you have the answers to all life's problems when your still learning to tie your shoes???? Grow up.

Eric Gast I don't have faith in it. Especially when it comes to the mentally ill or drug addicted. They do not train police enough to deal with either. If I at 5 ft 1 and 113 lbs can effectly de escalate a violent mental health patient, or drug addict in withdrawal I would expect an officer of the law have the same ability. But instead, they see them as a threat not a person in major distress.

The taser is a less lethal option, not a non lethal option. It isn't safe, mainly for those they use it against. Seeing as it is those same people they are told not to use it on.

Prince Humperdink what I would have done does not matter at all bc it won’t change reality. Also these people you mention have every right to feel how they want regarding this matter and lastly, them calling the police to help de escalate the situation shouldn’t have resulted in a death. You don’t have to agree with me that’s fine nor is it necessary for me to defend my opinion with strangers. I made my own comment to state my opinion as opposed to replying to someone else’s that I didn’t agree with
I’m going to take a nap now but have a good day

Rolonda Qtee-Ro Lee How can a police officer with no traing in the care and handling of an individual with a or several psychotic disorders make ANY assessments especially when they are providing "information" issued by a 3rd 4th or 5th party. Most people can't tell the differences between medium well, medium and medium rare and they have had some variation their entire life, but these "assumed" protochols that you speak of provide them with critical information from which to make an informed assessment and take "appropriate" action, immediately upon their arrival from which life and death decisions are made. Scary!

I’m seeing a lot of open and proud prejudice and bias in these comments…

1) family called 911 because their relative was acting irrational and physically aggressive.

2) suspect was described over 6’00”/ 200lbs (that’s a big person). Stature alone makes him a threat.

3) Police used a less-lethal tool to gain control of the non-compliant, big aggressive guy.

Based on the above facts it isn’t possible for so many of you to conclude this is evidence of corruption, a police state, racism, etc… unless you are bias, prejudice, racist, bigoted yourselves and as a result all you can see is the issue you want to believe.

10ºNick Rule i triple dog dare you to actually work a psych unit. we literally deal with violent patients on a daily basis and don't hurt them. prison is no comparison. the people in prison were competent to stand trial, and some of the most genuine people ive met came from decades in prison because of the culture you and other prison officials allow to continue. If you guys used common sense and treated mental ill like actual humans, you would find that violence isnt needed. we were able to recover a firearm from a patient because we know how to handle, and calm down patients. you guys are intentionally trained for fear and intimidation tactics with people who stood a fair trial.
