FDA proposes ban on menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars

Menthol is the last special flavor allowed in cigarettes in the US.



Smoking is not illegal yet treated as if it were illegal. Vaping is not illegal yet treated as if it were illegal. Many need a vice and psychologist realize and accept this. The better of the good theory, is it better to psychologically harm people to the point that they feel evil when they are doing no harm. Take away what it is legal and make it hard so the vice changes. I am not advocating for tobacco, just a mere fact when one is taken away another arises. Drinking, meth, cocaine and etc. What vice is the best choice? Especially with millions of Veterans and others that go through and have gone through much extreme stress. Is a soldier/veteran allowed to use tobacco without blame or fear with what one has gone through? Yes, society has standards and I believe one can live with those standards, yet to demonize or "brand" these people for something that is not illegal? They know the causes and effects and accept the risks. Bungie jumping kills, should that be made illegal or commercials made to go against it? Skydiving, Free falling, dirt bikes, motorcycles and etc.

Todd Obrien
Well if they can't get enough black people to wanna join what can you do? nothing. I live in Florida and I've worked with a total of 5 black people my entire life. So where's the problem?
Yes! If they can't get the people to fill the pool they're is nothing we can do. If only 13% of the population is black they sure won't have an equal amount, in class or jobs we understand this .You can go to the community college on a 2.5 grade average. No doctors, or nurses program can get in on that grade score.

Todd Obrien
Not true, if you don't have the grade to get in, you don't qualify. just means you can't discriminate on the basis of a person's . You still have to do the collage entrance exam, SAT'S.
You need to have at least a 3.6 before they'll let you into any of the nursing, or doctors classes. And our elite nursing programs require you to have a 4.0.
Affirmative action or positive discrimination, refers to a set of policies and practices within a government or organization seeking to include particular groups based on their gender, race, sexuality, creed or nationality in areas in which they are underrepresented, such as education and employment. Women are protected under affirmative action, But they don't have a quota of so many women in the shop. They don't give us free college, Just because we're women. Everybody under affirmative action has the same treatment. No matter if you're POC or a woman, you still need to have the skill and the grades to qualify.

Todd Obrien
You're being paranoid! It's
a health crisis. And me
andyou are paying for it
out of our taxes. what
would you suggest?
Cigarettes is an
awful addiction, seriously
like drugs. I've been there
and it sucked, But I did it.
The cigarette company
Federal Level: On the
federal level, revenue
from cigarette and
tobacco taxes helps fund programs that support
children and adults
across the country,
including the
Children's Health
Insurance Program (CHIP).
CHIP provides health
insurance to many
children in the U.S. who
would otherwise be
uninsured. None of this
helps insurance premiums because of poor choices.
we pay for peoples poor
